Chapter 16

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Kellin's POV

The first thing that i noticed when i woke up was that i wasn't in my room. I wasn't even in my house. Where was i?

Then all the memories came flooding back to me. The beating. The guys seeing. The kiss. Oh god. The kiss. 

I turned my body to the side and found no Vic. I started to panic. He was probably so repulsed by me after the kiss that he couldn't stay. His side of the bed was no longer warm. He'd been gone for a while.

"V-Vic?!" I called out, my voice scratchy and desperate. I lay there praying for a response but the only answer i received was my own echo.

I started so sob and shake. He left me just like everyone else in my life. Just like my dad. I sat up and tangled my fingers in my hair, pulling violently and rocking backwards and forwards. I needed something to take my mind off it. 

I stood up and quickly ran to the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. I threw open the cabinet and found just what i was looking for. A razor. Before i knew it the razor was laying on the ground, my foot stamping on it. Thankfully the plastic broke, revealing the shiny metal. I picked it up and ripped my sleeve shirt up. Without a second thought i pressed the metal to my already scarred skin.

I repeated the action, again and again. I was getting more and more agitated. I must have been crying louder as i heard pounding on the door and a familiar voice. I couldn't work out who the voice was coming from and that made me even more upset. 

Blood was covering my arms, dripping onto the floor. I heard the door clicking and once again gripped my hair. 

The door burst open and i saw three figures stood in the doorway, although they were blurry. Tears were falling freely down my face and i started to scratch at my open cuts. "Oh shit!" i heard one voice yell.

"Call him home. Now." said another. 

I went to reach for the blade again but was immediately tackled to the floor. One person held my head in their lap, stroking my hair whilst another was holding my wrists together, stopping me from moving.

In was still crying but now my vision had cleared a little. I saw Jaime holding my head and Tony had my wrists. They kept glancing at me with concerned looks, but then looking out the door. I peeked round the door frame and saw Mike pacing around whilst on the phone. 

"Hurry. He needs you" That was all i heard before he hung up and entered the room. He grabbed a towel and started to clean my arms and apply pressure to them. I was lying there with the guys for what seemed like hours until i heard the front door slam and heavy footsteps running up the stairs. 

My crying had slowed down until i saw who was in the doorway. Vic. He came back for me. I started to get hysterical once again. Jaime lifted my head off his lap and instead, i was placed onto Vic's. However, Tony was still holding my wrists and Mike still applying pressure. I knew they weren't going to let go anytime soon.

"Why Kells?" Vic whispered quietly, but still loud enough that the guys could hear.

"I w-woke up and y-you w-were g-gone" I sobbed " I thought you l-left me. I t-thought you b-broke our p-promise"

"I would never Kellin" He reassured me. "I promised that i'd never leave you and that promise still stands. You mean the world to me."

Vic sat up and lent me against the cabinet before squatting in front of me. 

"Tony, Mike, let go" Vic commanded and they did as he asked.

Vic picked up the blood-stained blade from the floor and placed it in my hand. I looked at him confused. Before i could ask anything else he pulled up his sleeve.

"I want you to cut me as many times and you would cut yourself" He said, completely serious. The guys gasped "Vic what are you doing?!" Mike whisper yelled.

"I c-cant" I stuttered. 

"Why?" He retaliated

"Because i don't want to hurt you" i replied

"But you see you already have" he said " Every time that you hurt yourself, it hurts me"

Finally, i understood. I threw the blade as far as i could and wrapped my arms around Vic's neck, hugging him as tight as i could and repeatedly thanked him.

"Whenever you want to hurt yourself, come and tell one of us. We're your friends, we don't want to see you hurt"

I wiped my eyes with my hands before standing up and washing away all the blood. 

I watched as Tony grabbed a roll of bandages, passing them to Vic. He wrapped them so gently around my cuts before kissing each one.

"You're perfect Kellin. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise"

I gave him a big smile and then he said something which made my heart jump with excitement.

"How would you like to meet your new family?"


Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Sorry this was a bit of a heavy and depressing chapter, i promise the next one will be full of Kellic fluff for you :) Please vote and comment and tell me what you think of the story so far?


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