Chapter 20

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Vic's POV

It's been about a week since Kellin has talked to anyone. He won't do anything. He won't eat. He won't sleep. It's getting out of control.

We were all sat around the TV, watching Coraline at my request. I tried everything to get Kellin to talk but nothing was working. It was really starting to piss me off.

The movie ended and we all stood up. All except Kellin. 

"Come on Kells" I said in the nicest voice possible, even though his attitude was really starting to annoy me.

He didn't move. He didn't even look at me.

I reached out towards him and he flinched at my contact. I immediately pulled my hand away, not realising that i had done anything wrong.

"Kellin, what have i done wrong?!" I asked in an annoyed tone. Again, the only answer i got was complete silence.

I put my hands up to my face and groaned in frustration. Running my fingers through my hair i made a decision.

"I can't do this anymore Kellin. How am i supposed to fix what I've done wrong if i don't even know what it is? You won't talk to me, or anyone, and you won't do anything! I can't do it anymore Kellin. Come and talk to me when you've sorted out your attitude. Until then Kellin, were over"

The guys gasped but they were the only reactions i received. Nothing from Kellin. Not even a slight movement. I was so angry. I grabbed my jacket and marched out the door, slamming it behind me. 

As soon as i was outside, i ran. I ran for about 10 minutes until i arrived at an empty park. I sat on one of the swings silently until it all became too much for me. I covered my mouth with my hand as i started to sob.

I didn't understand what i had done wrong? 

I tried my best to help him. I tried to help him but i failed. I failed him. 

I let him go. I might not have told him this, but i loved him. He was my first love. I can't live without him. 

But i'm going to keep my word. He can come and find me when he's decided what i've done wrong.

Mike's POV

I gasped at my brothers revelation. He broke up with him. I jumped a little when the slamming of the front door shook the whole house.

I looked towards Jaime and Tony and they looked almost as shocked as i did. I slowly turned my head towards Kellin. He was sat in exactly the sane position, knees to his chest, staring into space.

I knew that something was going on with him but what it was, i couldn't say. If anyone knew how to hide their feelings, it's Kellin.

"You guys go and find Vic, I'll stay here" I told Jaime and Tony.

They didn't say anything, but nodded their heads in agreement before speeding out the door.

I was left in the living room with nothing but an eerie silence surrounding me and Kellin.

Even though his face was blank, i could see the pain in his eyes. He may have acted like Vic breaking up with him didn't mean anything but i could see that, deep down, it was hurting him so much more than anyone thought.

Eventually, i got fed up of watching nothing happen, so i left the room and left Kellin behind.

Kellin's POV

~Before the break up~

I could still feel his hands roaming all over my body and the disgusting sound of his grunts. It's been over a week and still nothing has been able to take my mind off it. It's taken over my life. I can't mutter a word anymore. It's like i have no energy. I'm numb and i can't do anything.

I want more than anything to tell Vic what Brad did to me and get it all over with but i physically can't. The memory is like a parasite in my brain. It's not letting go and it's taking my life away from me. 

I was sat there, not concentrating on the film whatsoever. My mind was filled with too many disgusting thoughts to concentrate on anything.

I heard voices but these days everything sounded muffled. Like i was underwater. I was able to make out my name and i knew that someone was talking to me but i couldn't bring myself to day anything. I was frozen.

That's when the person started to get mad.

 "I can't do this anymore Kellin. How am i supposed to fix what I've done wrong if i don't even know what it is? You won't talk to me, or anyone, and you won't do anything! I can't do it anymore Kellin. Come and talk to me when you've sorted out your attitude. Until then Kellin, were over"  

I heard everyone gasp and the front door slamming. It took me few minutes to fully register what had just happened. Vic had broken up with me.

I was so numb that i couldn't even look at him. I was useless and had been so stupid that i managed to lose the only friends i ever had and the only person in the world that cared for me.

Once again, I'd ruined everything. Just as things were looking bright, something had to ruin it.

I should have known that nothing good would ever happen to me. As my mother always told me, i was worthless and no one would ever love me. She was right. I pushed away the only good things in my life.

It was over. Vic was gone.


Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while! Christmas in my house lasts from the 24th to the 28th so i was caught up with all my family! How were your Christmases?

This is just a kinda filler chapter. Big things will be coming in the next one. What do you think is going to happen?

Please vote and comment because you know i love to read them!


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