Chapter 34

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Kellin's POV

I stood in front of the mirror, making sure everything was right. Making sure all my buttons were done up. My tie was knotted right. My blazer didn't have any dirt on it.

I may not have loved my mother, but this was a big day for me.

She was the only family that I had. I owed her for all the years she took care of me before my father left. Teaching me to talk and walk. She must have loved me at some point. The least I could do was turn up to her funeral.

"Are you ready babe?"

The noise startled me and I whipped round to see Vic stood in the doorway. He came over to me and engulfed me in a huge hug.

I needed some form of comfort to help me get through the day.

I buried my face in his neck and closed my eyes, breathing out all the worries that I'd been holding in.

"Time to go Kells" Vic said softly, taking my hand and guiding me towards the funeral car.

The whole ride there was in silence, which I welcomed. I couldn't handle having to talk about anything today. I just wanted to get it over with as soon as possible.

We stopped outside the church and made our way in. Most of the people had already turned up, meaning heads turned and people stared when I walked in.

I couldn't understand why so many people even turned up. I didn't even know she had friends? I saw people from the street, drug dealers I'd come into contact with when my mother was buying, however most people I didn't know.

We sat down on one of the pews, next to the guys who'd arrived earlier and the priest made his way to the lectern.

"We're here today to celebrate the life of Mary Bostwick, a mother, friend, and member of the church who will be truly missed"

I rolled my eyes inwardly. My mother was not a member of the church. And there was definitely no way she was entering 'God's Kingdom".

I zoned out for the rest of the ceremony until the the priest asked if anyone wanted to say anything.

I had nothing prepared but I figured that now I could say whatever I wanted without her hurting me. It's not like she'd come back from the dead to bite me on the ass.

I stood up and made my way to the front. Just from looking around, I could tell that no one knew who I was.

I looked up at all the expecting faces and cleared my throat.

"Um, my name is Kellin Quinn Bostwick but I go as Kellin Quinn. I'm the son of Mary and Jeuse Bostwick. Well, at least I was. My father left as a kid and my mum turned into an alcoholic and drug addict, blaming him leaving on me. She'd hit me, punch me, slap me. She was the worst mother I could have ever asked for."

I heard gasps go around the room. 

"But at some point in my life, I loved her, and I really believe that she loved me. I owe her for everything but I'm glad she's gone."

I clenched my teeth. Anger taking one my body, remembering all the years of torture.

"I just have one more thing to say to my mother. Rot in Hell."

And with that, I stormed out, waiting outside the church for the body to be buried.

Eventually, people filed out of the church and gathered around a pre dug grave, wiping their fake tears.

The cheap wooden box was hoisted and gently lowered into the grave, handfuls of soil being thrown onto the top.

I watched as people came and left, giving me their condolences. I didn't need their sympathy. I didn't want their pity.

"Hey Kellin" Jaime said with a sorrowful smile "How ya holding up?"

It was the question that I was tired of people asking but I didn't want to come across as rude.

"I'm doing good thanks Jaime" I spoke, trying to muster up the most genuine smile that I could.

"We're all here if you need anything buddy" he said, patting my back before leaving with Mike and Tony, leaving me and Vic alone.

"I'm proud of you Kells, you did well up there. You managed to stand up to your mother, even if she wasn't here to see it."

I smiled at his little proclamation, pecking him on the lips.

I heard footsteps behind me and turned  around to see a middle aged man walking towards me and Vic.

"Hello Kellin" The man spoke.

"Um hi?" I replied confused. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

The man looked disappointed at my response.

"I know it's been a long time Kellin, I know I left you, but I'm a better man now. I want to get to know you!" He pleaded.

"Um I'm really sorry but you're scaring me a little. Who are you?" I asked warily.

"It's me Kellin. Jeuse Bostwick. Your father."


Hey guys!

I updated quickly this time! What do you think of this update? Any ideas on what you think will happen next?

Thanks for all your votes and comments and thanks so much for 4K!


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