Chapter 14

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Kellin's POV

I locked the door and then I heard the she devil enter. I turned around but was quickly met by a fist in the face.

I groaned but I was used to the constant abuse by now, not that the pain got any better though.

I stumbled backwards, my back hitting the kitchen counter which made a huge thud as I came into contact with it. That would surely leave a bruise.

"Ha Kellin, you knowww I didn't thinkkk you'd actually be hereee" she slurred "I thought you'd be out whoring arounddd like you usually do"

I think I heard the slap before I felt it.
The sound rang through the house and the sheer force of it made my legs buckle. I collapsed to the group and grabbed my face in my hands.

I knew the guys were still there. I knew they were watching. There was no way that I could hide this from them now. They knew the truth and there was nothing I could do about it.

I felt her rough, witch like hands grab my side and roll me over so I was facing her. I barely had time to take a breath before her hands were around my neck, her fake nails digging into my skin.

I went into panic mode. My eyes went wide and I started to thrash around desperate to get some air. She just knelt on my stomach and held my throat tighter. My vision started to get blurry and I think she noticed as she removed her hands from my neck but also removed my shirt.

I heard the crack of the belt through the air and I squeaked, curling up into a ball to escape the oncoming blows.

The excruciating pain rippled through my body like shock waves and I let out a blood curdling scream. I felt another. And another. And another.

Finally she stopped, threw down the belt and exited the house, as quickly as she'd arrived.

My back was torn to shreds, blood covered me and the floor around me.

I screamed as I stood up, the ripped flesh on my back searing. I found the key to the door and hobbled towards it in order to let the guys out. Now I had to face them.

Vic's POV

"Whatever you do, don't come out until she's gone!"

Kellin sounded so panicked and scared. What's going on?

That's when I saw a woman come up behind Kellin. Just as he turned around she sent a blow straight to his face. He stumbled backwards, hitting the counter with a sickening thud.

"Oh my god" Jaime and I whispered in shock. I was speechless. I wanted nothing more to take the beating for him but I knew he would get it 10x worse if she knew we were here.

I saw her slap him and then wrap her ugly, vicious fingers around his neck, cutting off his air supply. He started to thrash around and kick.

The tears were flowing freely down my cheeks. I couldn't stand to watch this. That's when I heard the crack and I saw the rest of the guys physically tense, their eyes wide.

I slowly looked up at them before turning to look at what the shock was about. I wished I hadn't. I saw Kellin's mum above him with a belt in her hand. I heard the slash and then a blood curdling scream.

It went on for what seemed like hours but it was probably minutes. I had hands over my ears trying to block out the screams. It was the most horrific thing I'd ever witnessed.

Finally the screaming ceased and I heard his mum exit. One last scream erupted through the air and I saw Kellin hobble to the door to finally let us out.

The door swung open and we all rushed out cradling Kellin in our arms.

The damage was awful. His back was ripped to shreds and there was blood covering every inch of his body.

"Oh Kellin im so sorry, I'm so so sorry" I whispered tenderly in his ear

He was crying his eyes out, not able to speak so we took him in our arms and placed him in the car. I was not going to let him ever go back to that house. I loved him too much.

Yes that's right. I'd fallen in love with Kellin Quinn except, he didn't know that yet.


Okay guys here's the new update I promised you! What do you think? Please vote and comment as you know I love to read them :)


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