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-~A/N~-  So I wanted to add this at the beginning of this chapter because I will end up forgetting. xD.  Ok so,  I will post a chapter of something different every week.  This week,  Drunk and Kidnapped, next week, A Dark and Stormy Night, etc, etc. Now on to the story! (Sorry This Chapter Is Crazy Short)

~+Nova's Point of View+~

I open my eyes slightly.  It was super bright.  I groan.  I open my eyes a little more.  Where was I? It felt like a hospital. Wait. Hospital. Did that mean.... I shoot up in my bed. I hit my head on something.  My vision comes back and I can see fully again.  I was still in the basement of his house.  If I was still here, that meant Bliss had to be nearby too.  I sit up and notice something wrapped around my leg.  I bend down and touch it.  A cast..?  What happened that would have made me need a cast?  I stand up and lean on my good leg.  I walk out of the room.  It looked like a tornado went through.  The table was on its side, the couch had rips in it, two chairs were busted in half, and the bookshelf was on the ground, the books thrown throughout the room.  I walk over to the table and put it back how it was supposed to be.  I catch a glance of someone near the door.  I turn towards them and walk up the stairs.  It looked like Bliss. No not Bliss. Jace?  I try to speak but just a mumble comes out.  

"Baby. You're safe," he says, opening his arms.  

I speed up a little and fall into his open arms.  He smooths my hair.

"You're safe..." he says again, but it didn't sound like him anymore.  I feel one of his arms come off my side. Something shimmering catches my eye.  A knife. I try to pull myself out of his arms.

"Calm down! This will only hurt a little," he says, plunging the knife in my side.

I wake up in a pool of sweat.  My breathing was too fast.  I try slowing it, but it just speeds up more.  I try asking for help, but again, just a mumble.  I stand up and look at my leg.  No cast, thank God.  I walk out of the room and look around.  everything was in its usually place. I didn't see Savannah, Grace, Zoey, or Bliss anywhere.  I try calling for them, but nothing came out. Another mumble was all.  I sit on the couch.  I look around.  Where was everyone?  I hear the door open and I look at it.  Zoey, Grace, and Savannah walk down.  Mark follows them.  

"Oh Nova! You are awake," Zoey says.  

"Well I will see you girls tonight.  Make dinner a little later than usual.  I'm going out tonight," Mark says.  

"Alright," Savannah says ", see you tonight Mark."

He walks up and locks the door.   I wanted to ask them so many questions. "Nova? Why are you so quiet?" Grace asks.

I try speaking.  A mumble yet again.

"Oh...." Savannah says.  

"What?" Zoey asks.

"Mark... Choked her.  He broke her vocal cord I think.  That's why she can't talk," she says.

"Why?!" Zoey asks, jumping off the couch.  

"Probably because she tried to escape with.... Nevermind..." Savannah says.

"W..." I try to say.

"Nova, try not to speak as much as you can.  It will get better if you don't talk," Grace says.

"He killed Bliss..." Zoey says.

I couldn't handle it... Tears pool in my eyes.  She was my only hope of getting out.  Zoey had seemed to be brainwashed already.  I was stuck in here now.  My only hope was dead...  Why hadn't he just killed us both?  I see a paper and grab it.  

"What are you doing?" Grace asks.  

Pen. I mouth.  

"Oh!" Zoey hands me a pen and I write on the paper.

Where did you guys go? I write. I hand them the paper and they read it.

"We went to the cemetery. So we could bury Bliss,"  Zoey says, handing the paper back.

My chance to escape.  He took them out.  If I was there,  I would be back home. With Jace and my stupid brother.  I didn't care how much he annoyed me.  I just wanted to be back home.  I stand up and go into the bedroom. I get in my bed and stare at the bed above me.  Bliss should be up there.  We should be talking about how we would get out.  No.  We couldn't have that.  We would never get out.  I sit up and look out the small window.  I could fit through it.  That was only if I broke the window.  I wouldn't be able to get out though...  I get up and walk out to the living room.

"Are you ok Nova?" Savannah asks.  No I wasn't fucking ok.  I couldn't talk and the only person that wanted to get out was brutally murdered. I nod and she gives me a look that said she could tell I was lying.  

"Can you helps us cook dinner?" Grace asks. I nod and get up.  I still had hope that we could poison him.

"No Nova," Savannah says.  What? I tilt my head a little, questioning her.

"We can't poison him,"  she says.  How did she know what I was thinking?

"Sav she didn't say anything..." Grace says.

"Whatever," Savannah says, rolling her eyes.  It seemed like Savannah was breaking.  The more Mark lost it, the more she lost it.  Maybe I could convince her try and escape.  I groan and go into the bedroom. Mark would be down soon and I didn't want to look at him, or him to see me.  He probably didn't even know he broke my vocal cord. He probably didn't care either. I hear the door unlock and I panic.  I hide under the covers of my blanket.  I knew it wouldn't keep me safe if he came looking for me. 

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