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Word count: 1054

Stoick the Vast has already lost Valka to a dragon in one raid, he doesn't want that for Hiccup. Hiccup was sent to the forge ever since he was six. However, he never knew why.

Four years later he was out in the forest when a raid hit. The only thing he knew what to do was to run to Gobber at the forge. On his way he was stopped by something, a night fury.


The black dragon stared at Hiccup. It took a moment to make the connection, that standing right in front of him was a Night Fury, no, The Night Fury. He quickly turned to run the other way but the dragon pinned him down. The boy was frozen in fear and could not scream for help.

The dragon took him up in his claws and flew away, no one noticing that the heir to Berk was taken away by a dragon that day.

-Astrid's P.O.V.-
After the raid, I was walking home from the little hiding spot me, and the other Vikings my age, found. On the way I spotted Gobber running up to the chief and immediately they started talking. I was wondering what had happened so I got closer to them to clearly hear what they were talking about.

"What do you mean he didn't go to the forge," Stoick said, raising his voice.
"He didn't go, what else could that mean, Stoick?"
"Has anyone seen him after the raid?"
"I don't think so."
"Let's send out search parties, we need to find him."
"Find who?" I mumbled to my self.

They started to walk towards me, I stood up from my crouched position. I wasn't going to run away, I stood there waiting for them to confront me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath waiting to hear their accusing voices. I opened up one eye.

They weren't there. I decided that it was late and my parents might be wondering where I am. I ran home to find that everyone was asleep. I carefully went to my room and drifted asleep.

I woke up early, and looked out the window as I usually did. I honestly didn't think anyone else was up at this time, the sun had just risen, but I was wrong. There were some Vikings heading to the great hall. I quickly got ready, then walked over to see what they are doing up so early.
Stoick was up on a platform and seemed quite serious, Gobber was by his side. A little while later the whole village was in the great hall (minus Mildew)

Stoick had announced that his son was missing. He questioned if anyone had seen him. Everyone in the guild hall started murmuring but no one had said yes. He made search parties.
Two went into the woods, while one went to the beach.

(SpongeBob voice)
Stoick was always on edge. In fact rumors have been spreading that he never leaves his house and that hardly anyone has seen him since the search parties reported back.
It turns out nothing had been found on his missing son. It's like he just vanished, disappeared out of thin air. That gave me an idea, if no boats are missing, nothing had been found in the woods or beach, then that excludes water and land from him being on, so the only other option... was air.
I knew Stoick wouldn't like this, so I went to his right hand man, Gobber.
After I explained my thoughts to him Gobber looked at me.

"Lass, you think that 'iccup was taken away by a dragon...?"
"Yes! There's no other way he could have just mysteriously disappeared like that."
"You do have a point but what if he was just hiding?"
"Why would he be hiding, besides the search parties didn't find anything..."
"Stoick isn't going to like this..."

Gobber sighed, I could tell that he was grieving over hiccup in his own way, all of berk was, well except for the idiot Snotlought. In fact I think Snotlought enjoyed hiccup being gone. I growled at the thought.

Gobber asked if I wanted to go with him to the Chiefs house, I quickly answered no. Who knows what Stoick would do when the the idea that his only son was taken by a dragon.
I went with Gobber to Stoick's and formerly Hiccup's house. Gobber hesitantly opened the door, I saw The chief holding a sword. He relaxed when he saw it was just the blacksmith and myself.

He then gruffly said, "What do you want..."

"Stoick I think we need to talk," Gobber glanced at me then closed the door as he walked into the house. I waited outside passing the time by examining my axe, I noticed that it needed to be sharpened sometime soon. About half an hour passed when Gobber came out, he was rubbing his temple (He only has one hand, I doubt he could rub his temple with a hook).

"Eh, are you alright," he looked worn down, I have never seen a Viking look so tired.

"I'm fine lass, I can't say the same about him," he gestured to the house. 
"How did he react?" I asked slowly.
"Not well, he went to his room and slammed the door, I don't think he would want me to say it but I think he was cryin', haven't seen him cry since Valka..."

"Oh, I can't even begin to imagine how losing your family to the same cause would feel" my eyes slightly teared up but I kept it in, I would not cry in front of someone.

(Oh my god he turned into Happy, who gets that reference?)

I went home after that thinking about Hiccup. To be honest, I never really got close to him, and I will regret that. I remembered how he would sharpen my axe, once he could lift it that is. While he was physically weak he made up for it with his smarts. I just noticed that he was almost always drawing. I bet he was good at it too. I sighed and wish I got to know more about him, but I can never have that chance.

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