
340 11 3

Word count:1128
~Astrids P.O.V.~

I woke up to the sound of blazing fire and orders being shouted. This could only mean one thing (A birthday party!) a raid. It confused me, we just had one less than a week ago, the dragons had never raided this often. I had a gut feeling that something was going to bad was going to happen during this raid.

I put on shoulder pads and my bracers in a rushed manner. As I jogged out of the door of my room, I grabbed my dual headed axe. Standing right outside the front door to my family's house I heard a Viking yell out "Night Fury, Get Down!" My immediate reaction was to duck and cover my head, yet still searching for the monster.

There was a blast that hit a watch tower, a black shadow passing through it. It looked different, it wasn't as slim at it normally was, while most Vikings wouldn't notice, I'm the small percentage that actually pays attention to detail (after all, it could just save your life).

I quickly pushed the thought towards the back of my mind for now, and ran up to the crippled building. It was still standing, yes, but the catapult had been erased. My eyes narrowed, that dragon was awfully smart. I searched the sky even though it was pointless. I grunted and crouched as a blast was taken to the building standing beside this one.

That night fury is really taking drastic measures to make sure hardly and dragons get captured. I heard a someone yelp, my eyes widened in shock (think of a comedic thingy here, didn't know how to show it soooo that's what this is for), I don't thing I've ever heard that before, and I smiled as I trotted off to the formerly near by sound.

I heard a dragons grunt, then a warble. I grabbed my axe, then crouched careful to make next to no noise on the woodland floor. I walked, still in a hunched position, over to a tree and put my back next to it. Good, now nothing can sneak up behind me, my tense position relaxed, closing my eyes and resting my weight on the tree though my back.

I sighed, and looked up through the branches of the canopied forest. The sky was a deep hazy grayish purple that was illuminated by fires. It was quite beautiful, however, my gaze hardened as I looked down, Vikings are risking their lives while I'm here moseying along, enjoying the sky.

As I was pulled back to reality, only after a short few minutes of zoning out, I have gotten myself lost. I cursed myself for my carelessness, no warrior would ever do such a foolish thing.

I brushed my hand along the tree I had previously been laying against. 'Well, I guess this is my last option.' I grabbed on to it, and used the rough texture of the bark as an advantage, grabbing the base of the tree, even though it hurt my bare hands.

As I neared the top, I head a dragons chirp. I stopped and focused all my attention on it trying to find what direction it came from. The thought 'Just one more time' rushed though my brain. Ten seconds had past... now a minute has.... two minutes.... I gave up and resumed my climb, reaching the highest I could get without snapping any branches, I looked out trying to see the village.

GAH! All I can see is cursed trees and the light from the fire seems to becoming from all around me...

Another chirp, it was very loud. The direction was very clear, I silently ran towards it with my axe hand. It continuously sounded till I had reached the village.

'Was it leading me here,' my eyes widened.... it new where I wanted to go. The thought that such beasts could be so intelligent bothered me, it sent chills down my spine.

I looked around... most building had been destroyed, few dragons had been caught, a nadder and two gronkles, those were the only ones that I could see... this-this never happens. My vision blurred due to the hot tears rising up.

This is my fault I should have not strayed away, I should have stayed and fought, I don't care if I'm young, and have lots to learn, I want to fight, now. I blinked away the steamy tears. I growled at my self and muttered "no distractions, I must fight...."

I looked back into the woods, I felt like I needed to go back, but resisted the calling. I drug my feet as I walked all the way to my house, up the stairs and into my room, I didn't bother taking off my armor. I laid awake for the rest of the short night, pondering of the future, past, and the forest...

~Time skip~
~Hiccups P.O.V.~

The blue and yellow nadder spread out her wings as she landed, a few feet away from me and toothless. I walked up to her, and scratched her chin.

"Thanks girl"

"Your quite welcome, I don't mind little one," she nuzzled into my chest and gave a little chirp.

"Heh..." I gently pushed her away.

I had asked her to lead back the Viking who had heard me and toothless. It was not my fault that I yelped either! Toothless was being way over protective, and at one point grabbed my sword in his mouth, while it was STILL FLAMED UP, and started bounding away. At one point he turned around and almost chopped off my head.

Without even realizing it, my soft gaze on the nameless nadder turned to a harsh glare on toothless who seemed to be trying (but failing) to hold in a laugh, clearly knowing what I'm glaring at him for.

"You could have hurt your self you know" he crouched and walked over to me staring me in the eyes, he thinks it's funny.....

"Toothless I swear... if you try to hit me..."

His eyes widened and he looked at the oh so interesting grass, as he sat on his haunches.

"I umm... totally wasn't going to do that"


The nadder was making a noise similar to a human laugh, but it wasn't like toothless it was more bird like, almost like a trill.

I ran up to her taking out a small notebook and a pencil, my eyes growing in size (not literally of course), "What does that mean, I've never heard it before!"

Toothless came over and covered my vision with his wing, then dragged me towards him

"Don't pester her with questions you both know or you'll end up with spines sticking out of you"

I would like to thank @Nyrala and @AnglePerez717 for voting on all my chapters, and especially Nyrala who's even commented on a few!

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