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(Older readers, I changed how old he was [just made a timeskip longer]nothing in the plot changed though, he is roughly 16/17 now)

~Hiccup's P.O.V~

I jolted awake by a sharp searing pain that shot through my wrist, causing me to wince and cradle the arm. I cracked open my eyes only to see the webbing of Toothlesses wing. With a slight push of the opposite hand he freed me from his hold.

I brought up my uninjured arm to shield my eyes from the harsh sun darting through the lush cover of the trees. I looked behind me to see toothless on his side, with one of his wings bending way past the way it should, while having the other one resting against his chest.

"Hey," I patted the side of his head, eyeing his one wing "are you alright?"

His eyes shot open, through quickly relaxed when he saw my face. Toothless rolled over, but roared out in pain when his wing hit the dirt. "Nope, defiantly not okay." He tried once more to stand up, though this time paying special attention to his right wing, with a bit more effort he succeeded.

Seeing him stand up made it much more obvious to how bad his wing truly was. In fact, both of us are wounded in some of the worst ways, one of my hands was currently out of commission, and toothless can't fly. To add onto our bad luck, we are trapped in with towering walls of stone (it's the cove but by definition, it's not really a cove so I mean, that's the only way I could describe it....) Oh, how I love the situations I get into.

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Taking in our surroundings, the cracked stone, a few broken trees, the way Toothless was first positioned, all grouped together by a rough line

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Taking in our surroundings, the cracked stone, a few broken trees, the way Toothless was first positioned, all grouped together by a rough line. We crashed. 'I don't recall- wait, no-no I do, something hit us, or more like Toothless. I remember falling.... fast....after that I guessed I just passed out...'

After a couple of hours dreading our fate, I decided I had to do something about our broken limbs. I grabbed my mask that was laying next to me and slipped it over my head. I glanced over at my wrist. If I could find any sort of cloth... my eyes trailed to my scale covered sleeve. I could almost feel my heart sink, I spent hours on this suit...

No... I'm not going to do it, but... we are on Berk; The village, they must have supplies! I scanned around our surroundings for any way out, then a spotted an opening in a heap of rocks.

Toothless was curled up in the shade watching me think, which consisted of me pacing back and forth with an occasional pause or two. I bet I was his source of amusement. "I'll be back" I yelled out, with my back turned I casually waved my hand, then begun walking over to the rocks. All of the sudden I felt my self being pushed to the ground, and I let out a shriek when my wrist forcefully hit the ground. With that my attacker slowly got off of me.

My eyes snapped open "Toothless!!"

Ignoring my outburst he quietly responded to my former actions "Did I hurt you...?" I sighed already forgiving him, "I'm fine, but," shooting him a glare that could kill, "why in all of the kings (1) name would you decide to do that!"

"All sorts of bad things can happen out there! We are on Berk, it's full of dragon-killers!"

"I'll be careful! Plus I have my Sword!"
I grabbed it to show him. "Besides," I cleared my throat, "I still speak Norse." My voice was a lot different than I remembered it to be, I guess I really haven't spoken in it in quite a while.

With the hilt (2) of the sword in my left hand, and my other being held to my chest, I headed off to climb up into the world of Vikings.

(1) "Kings" well you know how if you translate something there is normally a direct translation, and an interpreted translation because sometimes they don't have certain words that the other language does. Well I thought dragons wouldn't really have "Gods" because after all they are made in the interpretation of a human/their own species, so I thought something similar to that would be dragon species like the Bewilderbeast, or the Red/Green death. ::: In short, King=God+Dragonese :::
Wow that was really long and over explained.... Welp that's me trying to explain my thoughts.

(2) "Hilt" really that's all there is of the sword. "Left hand" he is left handed by the way, and he broke his right wrist.

The last sentence was not really what I was hoping it to be, I wanted another word that really showed off about how he felt about the Vikings, "lair" is often used to describe where a villain would reside, or at least keep there stuff so I mean... yeah... anyways I just didn't think it was very good, if you have any suggestions to change it let me know.

Aaannnd I'm sorry but I've never had anything broken before.... didn't really look that far into it.... sorry if the details I added in were a bit unrealistic.

Yeah! I updated! Hope you liked it. Well this chapter is almost 1K words, yaaaay longer chapter!

Oh yeah, and

Wow I can't believe it! And I'm almost to 50 followers! Thanks so much to all of my followers and the people that vote!

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