
415 13 6

Word count: 1082

So, talking...
"Normal talking (Norse... whatever)"
Pretty much just like every other fanfiction out there...
Toothless understands Norse, just throwing that out there.

Time Skip-Two years~
Hiccup P.O.V.

The queen announced that I would be going on my first raid, I'm both nervous and exited... don't know what you call that but, "WHOO!" Toothless, the night fury I met a few years back, grunted and swatted me with his tail.

"Oh, come on, I can't be exited?"
"Not if your going to be loud when I'm SLEEPING!"
"But it's my first raid, give me a break." After all I was going in a day or two!

He sighed and glared at me. His glare softened and he paused to look at my clothing. Toothless has stolen cloth from villages when he's out on raids, then I've made them into new shirts and pants for myself. I raised a brow at his actions.

"What's wrong...?"
"If your going out for a raid than green is defiantly going to stand out against my scales, even in the night"
I sighed, "Ask to get me some different colored cloth, maybe red, and I can cover it in some of your scales I've been gathering."
"Okay, next time I go- wait... you've been stealing my scales!?"
"Umm.... no?" 

Toothless goes into a crouch. Oh no...
He bounded towards me. I yelped and started to run in circles, with him close behind.  Just as he was about to leap into me I kicked up sand, to give me an advantage.

"Ha I win!" I stuck out my tongue.

My companion grumbled as he pawed at his eyes. "I'm going to go ask the queen, for another raid soon"

"Wait, you actually going to do it?" My eyes widened in disbelief, no one, ever, asks something of the queen.

"She makes us do raids, The more the merrier after all...."

"You sure she won't hurt you...?"

"You can't ever be sure of what she does," and with those comforting words, he took off, flying into the center of the volcano.

I sighed, and sat on my little bed I've made of the floor. It's made out of sheeps wool and some silk some zippleback found and gave to me.

I started to think what happened in the past few years, besides the queen, from what I hear, if you can understand her, she can read your thoughts. I shivered, I can't believe she can really do that. Maybe she doesn't control me... because I'm human... I don't know, I bet she could. She had enough power to overpower the gods. No that can be it, but if it was true, it wouldn't be the first time Vikings were wrong about some other creature.

I stared down at the blue silk I used as a blanket for my make shift bed, it reminded me of Astrid. Pictures of her that have rested in the back of my mind  for years, crashed though my vision (a/n, does that make since, or is it just me....?) Even if I didn't realize it at the time, I had a crush on her. We used to be quite good friends, me her and Fishlegs. After her parents had stressed her becoming the best warrior berk had, all she had time for was training and didn't like distractions. Fishlegs just drifted into his books, while I was left alone to wonder the memories we had together, all the good times we shared, gone. I miss going out in the woods together. In fact, I miss the sky...

Since I got here I haven't been aloud to go hardly outside. The times I do was to practice my training for protecting the dragons, I've made myself a fire sword to burn through the nets that the Vikings had made. In fact, a few burn scars have formed all over my body, few from the sword... (meaning most are from something else.... it confused me when I was proof reading, so just wanted to make that clear)

I shook my head, no, I don't want to think about them, not anything having to do with it. Without realizing it, tears begun to form in my eyes, making my eyelashes wet. My jaw trembled, and that dreadful feeling of depression washed over me...

Un aware of what was happening, I slowly drifted off into my dark memories.

~Time skip (probably an hour or so)~

I felt hot breath brush against me, my eyes scrunched up and I flinched away.

"Are you alright...?"

I relaxed and let go of a breath that I have been holding.

"Oh, it's just you....."

Toothless walked over behind me and lied down, curling around me.

"What were they about this time... if you feel like you want to talk about that just yet..."

"Everything," was my simple, yet shocking reply.

He nudged me, and cooed. I sighed and lied against him, but the entire night I did not sleep out of fear, until the sun rose, but not at all by choice.

~Toothless' P.O.V.~

I carefully got up making sure to prop hiccups head down on his blankets. I was really worried about him, I started to pace back and forth... it's happening more often, I don't know if this was I good idea... we should most definitely should practice more or-

"Toothless...I can feel your stress..."

"Wha-, n-no I'm not...."

He gave me a look, and I sighed (at least in a dragon way). "I'm just worried, I don't like what she's done to you...."

"I'll get over it"

I trotted over him, and cooed while nudging him.

~Time Skip, After hiccup makes his flight suit (even though it doesn't have wings, since there is really no need for that just yet....)~

Yep, that's the end. Took me forever to wright, I had... some problems to deal with, but I'm stable now so ya know, ALL BETTER! Yeah! Next chapters going to be hiccup in the raid (probably).

Oh and I kinda broke my own rule about one Point Of View per chapters, but I thought it would help develop understanding of how toothless is coping or what he's doing for poor hiccup...

I'm open to any suggestions for this story, maybe a request to wright another story, or an art request (if it's that I will be posting it on my "A Diary of some sort" great name I know {yaaay references})

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