Alicksandr Jewels

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Alicks himself is somewhat of a sadistic nymphomanic demigod. His mother being Luna, goddess of the moon and his father being a legendary warrior known among her legions of followers. He is 5 feet 10 inches tall and 640 years of age, with his birthday being January 6th

He sports medium length unkept jet black hair that usually shoots off into downwards directions. His eyes have a single thick black tattoo under each eye which, are golden with small bat-like iris and is said to be the most prominent feature, as it is used as both an intimidation device and feature to attract what he calls "The ladies". He wears a highly decorated set of Luna's royal armour and wears a studded belt with a huge diamond as well as a crown with one. He speaks in a slight Russian accent and keeps his wings folded under his cloak and when out stretched can reach 3 ft.

Alicks has super human strength and speed but is multiplied 5 fold when enraged, as well as being covered in black flames. He's in possession of a scythe capable of cutting diamonds with ease and a poisonous katana, which he is extremely skilled at being able to easily deflect things like bullets. He also has sharp fangs that can be used to bite victims with enough force to snap a 2x4 piece of wood, and also have the terrifying ability to inject a deadly poison into victims with only cure being his saliva.

He can also has the ability to create a blade made of electricity, has the ability of flight and can control darkness and create nightmares as well as enter them. He also has one ability that's unique to him and Alexis, it's the ability to shapeshifter into whoever they see that is the same gender, but can't copy their eyes and only applies to humans and vampires not animals. He can absorb the life essence of others and store them into talismans to give another figure life in an attempt to resurrect a dead person or creature.

Alicks himself is well known throughout the regions of the world as the "Prince of Darkness" and "The Scourge". Being the son of a moon goddess he possesses the skills to shadow travel and to enter and cause nightmares. He belongs to the "Jewels" family clan, a rich and powerful group of vampires that runs a huge organized crime business that could be compared to a mafia. They suppress their bloodthirsty tendencies by eating fruit as a substitute and when not sated they can be highly aggressive.

Legend says that Alicks was simply born out of Nightmare moons loneliness and to aid in keeping her company but there's more to it than that. Alicks was born between both Nightmare moon and his biological father Rare Jewels. With the banishment of his mother he was left with his father who died only years later in front of him. Orphaned he set off alone and found an orphan girl like himself but the only catch was that she was half dragon, the exact species that ate his father and he became terrified of. Due to her kind personality he warmed up to her and they became best friends...until she died as well. Alicks grew very cold and bitter due to so many traumatic memories and by the return of his mother he was a completely different person only capable of loving his mother, until the arrival of his first wife Nightwatch who taught him a sense of humor and made him smile ever since his childhood. All was well for the dark prince until she died giving birth to their son Blackwing. Alicks fell back into his old ways and trained Blackwing. He later met a French woman and had a daughter named Dawn who absolutely hates him due to personal reasons.

After centuries of guard Alicks met a princess just like himself that called herself Nightmare Bass. They had a daughter named Victoria who would grow up to become Alicks's favorite. He has been banished from the world by his mother for his heinous crimes against the world, but he's recently retired harboring no grudge but more abilities to make life even worse for any victim that falls prey to him.

Fun facts

He has a strong dislike for anything that stands for or worships the sun goddess Celestia, so far as to kill anything that he deems as a threat to his mother's health or kingdom which he has an unhealthy obsession with. This loyalty can be seen by his stench of iron (blood) and heavy bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, going so far as to "hibernate" for only 3 weeks. He has a calm and sadistic nature and only cares about vampires and bats. Alicks is allergic to tomatoes and potatoes. His favorite fruits and foods are mangos, pineapples and peaches. He styles his hair and wears eyeliner to accommodate for his natural dark pigmentation in his skin around his eyes. Alicks can't swim or curse and can get extremely sick from simple colds and disease, to accommodate for this he has a very high immune system. He hates diamonds ironically, but loves obsidian. His tongue is unnaturally long and forked like a snakes.

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