Masika Anippe

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Masika Anippe is an Egyptian sorceress. She has the ability to become a "lamia" at will using spells and is rather condescending towards others. She hates Alexis with a passion and has somewhat a tolerance for Lara. She's 540 years old due to her ability to prolong her life. Her mother is Reyna with an unnamed father and is the older sister of both Mavis and Lydia. Her birthday is May 5th.

Masika has medium cut straight silly hair that's pulled back behind her crown. She has two braids that are encased in golden rings which hang on either side of her face as well as short bangs. She has a beauty mark on the left side of cheek and ample amounts of eye liner and eye shadow. She has a tan skin complexion and wears a simple cotton outfit that has a sleeve on the right side but not left. Her outfit ends at her thighs giving it a leotard-like look. When in her lamia form her lower half becomes a green scaled snake, her eyes are more diluted and she has small scales that appear on both ends of her jaw. Her tongue becomes longer and more snake-like and two of her top teeth gets very pointed and elongated.

Masika uses either hand magic or a small dagger in fights. If she's in her lamia form she'd use her lower half to crush victims and repeatedly bite them to death. She can also use her fangs to absorb the life essence from victims in a excruciating painful way if not doing it another method. Her snake half is extremely strong and very difficult if not impossible to break out of.


Fun facts
Masika is a very condescending person who finds humor in seeing others fail, although she doesn't like it when her plans fail. Due to Lara being a witch, Masika can somewhat stand her and even respects her. She hates chocolate but loves grapes specifically white ones. She is very knowledgeable about history and architecture as those are her favorite topics and gets really excited when talking about it. She longs to see both Serqet and Anubis as those are her role models when she was younger and her favorite deities. She doesn't care for neither Luna or Celestia and wants to control their kingdoms, to Alicks's dismay as he finds her attractive.

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