Black Diamond

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[please only once more, I don't like talking about scares me to think about him.]
Black Diamond is Alick's true form, his true nature. All of the pain, suffering and hatred that's built up in him for centuries. He is only summoned when his mother is under mortal danger or has been seriously wounded.
[The eyes...oh gods the eyes...] With the exact same appearance as Alicks, Black Diamond boasts a dark aura around him. His eyes are golden opposed to the normal yellow and have the ability to strike fear in the case of direct eye contact. Once released, Black diamond grows horns that sprout from the front of his skull and extends about 10 inches towards the back.
Black Diamond makes the normal Alicks look like a kitten. His physical strength is incomprehensible and he occasionally imbues magic into his strikes. His weapon of choice is a large decorative scythe that he combos with his ability of flight, making him a major threat on both ground and air.
Jezebel is the name of Alicks's conscious. She helps him come to decisions and to give him even more power than he already has. In some way Jezebel is also a demon who gives him the ideas to crush every enemy, but at the same time Jezebel is his friend whom helps him defend the princess. After awakening her, Alicks's appearance significantly changed as he acquired thick black lines that lead down from both eyes to his cheeks. His skin pigmentation also got paler.
After introductions Jezebel got straight to work in doing her job assisting Alicks in his expeditions, giving him more cold, sadistic choices than what he used to make, consequently warping his mind and making him a more evil individual.
The only times Black Diamond has been released has been times of immense trouble and it only got worse when he was active. [Due to everyone either being killed or simply not wanting to talk about it, not much is known about these specific events]
Fun facts
Just like Alicks himself, Black Diamonds is cursed to not swear. He is also incapable of swimming as well. He only has one focus: the utter destruction of any and everything seen as a threat to his mother, if family gets in his way they won't be spared as he has no control over his moral decisions. Jezebel is the coping mechanism Alicks created for his loss of Reiko at an early age, but she grew out of hand and became a darker manifestation of the original intention.

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