Voice mail 1

297 19 3

So it's the New Year as you can probably tell.
Since my New Years resolution was for me to make an effort to be a less unsociable man I guess I'll start by doing the most obvious thing a 'normal' person would do; Happy New Year's Day John. Well actually, do 'normal' people say New Years Day? I don't know.
We haven't seen or talked to each other in a while, one year, that's a lot. Yes, I've been keeping count. Mrs Hudson keep's an eye on me every hour or so; I'm still not sure why. She thinks I'm depressed or something but I've learnt to ignore her. I just pretend she's not there and at some point she gives up and leave's.
It's empty without you, the flat that is. Mrs Hudson wants to sell it which makes sense since I can barely afford it by myself, but I've refused to do so several times. I love this flat too much to let it go, and I know you did too.
Please come and visit any time soon. I mean, I know you're extremely occupied at the moment but, it would be lovely if you dropped by.
I know it's selfish of me to say this but I wish you hadn't moved out. I miss you John. I really do.

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