Dirt, Blood & Broken Glass

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Ryans pov.

I bet Linda's party would be more fun if I was drunk like everyone else or if they were all sober like me. You don't need to drink to have fun but you need to be drunk to tolerate other drunk people, FACT. I spent last night with wasted friends and I'm spending tonight with wasted friends. So far I could say I prefer Brendon and his group of friends to who's here tonight, like every kid from our school and more. I prefer how I felt last night too, tonight I feel ill, I have heartburn and I feel really dizzy. I haven't touched alcohol and I feel like the room is spinning. I'll go to the front yard to get some air.

"Ryan! There you are!! Don't go missing for another night again!" Spencer, who considering can hardly stand, didn't slur that.

"Where'd you go anyway, last night?" Linda asks.

"BRENDONS!" Spencer answers her, not giving me a chance too. She lets out a huge long gasp.

"OOooo Brendons ay? Saucy!"

"Nothing happened" I butt in

"Reeeeaalllyy, I don't believe that.
"Linda adds

"Me either, I've heard one of the teachers say he's a bit of a slut"

"You shouldn't date a slut Ry"

"Hes not a... We're not dating!" They're irratating me.

"We'll of course not, sluts are called sluts for a reason, they don't date, they just-"

"I know Spence!" I cut him off

"Anyway, I got you another drink" Spencer hands me a plastic red cup  and I take a big mouthful, only to spit it out. They both start laughing.

"Is there alcohol in this?" They carry on laughing. "Spence is th-"

"There's been alcohol in all of your drinks" Linda says whilst laughing, "how did you not know?"

"What?" She doesn't respond, they both just carry on laughing, like they never heard me. I nudge her arm "Linda? Am I talking to myself"

"Alright Ryan calm down" she says, like I'm being over-dramatic, they know I don't drink and Spencer knows why. If Spencer knows then he has definitely told Linda.

"You know I don't drink, why wou-"

"Let it go Ryan" she interrupts and squeezes my face with one hand, like a baby "we get it, your father's a bad person, drinking has ruined his life and yours, che-"

"Stop squeezing my face!" I knock her hand away from me, making her drop the drink out of her other hand, as soon as the cup hits the floor Spencer reacts.

"What are you doing Ry? Don't push her!" He yells, shoving me and getting some attention from drunk surrounding guests.

"I didn't push her, I knocked her hand off my face!" I retaliate by shoving him back.

"Shoving people really, I guess you are an abusive drunk, like your dad"

"He's not an abusive drunk"

"He is Ryan why are you lying"

"He's never hurt me, what the fuck are you talking about?!"

"Don't call me a liar, you're getting angry like he does..." he continuesly pushes my shoulder, trying to agitate me whilst repeating "C'mon Ry! Get mad, C'mon, Hit Me, Get mad, are you angry yet?"

"I'm not gonna hit you, stop shoving me!" I knock his hands away from me. He pushes me into the wall, so I do what he's edging me to do and I push back. He bumps into Linda, knocking his drink, that she was holding, all over both of them. Spencer snaps, his fist slams into my face, the next thing I know is I've gone through a flimsy plastic garden table and landed in the dirt.

"SPENCER!!" Linda yells at him, grabbing his arm.

"Ryan I- I'm sorry, here let me hel-"  he comes to realise what he has just done and tries to help me up from the snapped plastic and crushed flower beds but I refuse, I bat his hands away from me. I struggle to get on my feet, with my balance off and one hand covering my nose, but once I do, I storm off. I can hear them calling for me to come back, I feel their eyes on me as I stumble down the driveway and turn the corner.

The walk to my house gives me alot to think about. I've seen Spence drunk quite a few times, not that drunk though, he's never gone off at me or anyone like that before. Why were they sneaking alcohol into my drinks and my dad has never laid a hand on me so I don't even know where he's got that idea from. I replay all the things they've said to me over and over, until the rage inside is bursting out of my ears.

I got to my front door before I remembered, fuck I haven't been home yet or contacted my dad he's gonna be furious when I walk through this door. The adrenaline hasn't worn off and I think to myself, fuck it. Fuck what my dad says, I'm going straight to bed. I swing the door open and slam it shut behind me, not caring that it's almost midnight, my nose is a waterfall of blood and I'm slightly tipsy.

"Ryan, thank god there you are!" He's sat on the sofa, at first I thought that strong smell of liquor was me, until I saw the empty bottles laying around. I wish he knew that for every drink he has, every empty bottle i find, every mouthful he gulps down and every whiskey sofa pass out, a little piece of me falls apart.  I try to walk past him with my head down but he stops me.

"Sit down Ryan" his voice is stern, I let out  sigh and do as I'm ordered.

"Do you want to explain to me why you think it's okay to talk to me the way you did, cause a scene, storm off and dissappear for two nights without a single word!"

"Sure, here goes, first of all you were patronising as fuck, second of all a few people looked, it was hardly a scene and I don't have a reason for the last two I just forgot" I'll probably regret being this cocky in the morning but right now it feels great.




"OH I'M A MESS REALLY! COMING FROM YOU!" I throw the closest thing I can find, it's an empty bottle, it hits the mirror and they both shatter, guess I'm not the only thing broken into a thousand pieces. I barge past my dad and run up the stairs, slamming my door shut. I stand still, letting out a deep breath whilst staring at my reflection in the mirror on my wall. Out of nowhere the rage bursts out of every seem, a loud scream leaving my lungs as I remove the mirror and slam it on the ground. Who gives a fuck about 7 years bad luck, two mirrors in one night that's 14 years but I doubt it can get any worse than what it is now. I release all my anger by throwing, punching and smashing anything that's breakable, my TV, my guitars, photo frames, glasses and more. The sudden realisation of what I've just done hits and it hits me hard. My eyes fill with water as I fall to the floor, laying in the fetal position in a pool of broken glass, I cry uncontrollably.

I quite enjoyed writing this chapter! A little bit of violence, nice and I finally feel like somethings happening. Spencer and Ryan had a fight DUN DUN (JOSH) DUNNNNNN! I hope you enjoy it, thankyou for reading <3 

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