A Love That Leaves You Breathless

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*****Ben's POV*****

"Ello ladies, did you enjoy the show?" I asked two slutty looking fangirls.

"Yeah, Ben you were amazing" one girl said as she put her hand on my shoulder and started playing with my  blonde hair.

"Aww thanks beautiful" I replied while reaching my arm around her side and grabbing her ass.

"Hey Ben? Can I talk to you for a minute on the bus?" Danny asked his words clipped and his tone purely pissed.

"Uhhh, yeah sure Danny?.." I replied with a bit of edge in my voice "I'll be right back ladies" I chuckled turning back to them for a moment to say "stay beautiful" before sending a wink there way.

The girls let out annoying giggles that I'm sure they thought were adorable.  I just walked off in the direction I saw Danny walk off in, worry burning in the back of my mind as I thought about what he might say.

"What'd ya want danny-boy?" I questioned as I stumbled my way onto the bus, my tired limbs making the climb up the stairs quite a journey. And danny was there, leaning against the counter in our kitchenette with his head hung low, a bottle of Jack Daniels sitting in his tattooed hand.

"Why were you talking to those worthless sluts, ben?! They only fucking want one thing and you know it!" He replied, his voice rising with every word he spoke to me.

"Wha-but why do you care? I'm just trying to do what I always do with them I flirt, I fuck and then I send them the fuck on. You know that, You always have! So why do you suddenly have a proublem with it!?" I said mimicking his ton and volume. I watched as his grip tightened on the bottle before he brought it up to his lips and tipped his head back, letting the liquid drain from the bottle and down his throat that was used to the burn. I sat there waiting for him to speak again, wanting some sort of explanation for his words and hostile actions.

"Because there fucking cunts that you only want for one night anyway! I just dont get why you do this anymore! Dont you ever want to fucking grow up?" He yelled once he had removed the now drained bottle from his chapped lips.

"I have grown up god damn it and this is what I want to do! We fuck them and then throw them away! Thats our rule!" I yelled back "I have no idea what the fuck is going on with you but I would like to know, your my best friend." I said lowering my voice to where I was talking and not yelling, as I took a few cautionary steps towards him, bringing out my hand to rest on his back. Tingles shot up my arm and my eyes screwd shut for a moment, just like every time I touched Danny. But as always I passed it off as us having a strong connection.

"Yeah I'm your fucking friend" he spat the words at me like venom and they seemed just as toxic."thats always been the proublem" he mumbled his voice cracking and his back beginning to heave up and down rapidly, matching his pitiful sobbs. My chest burned as I watched him cry, my mouth slightly agape from the emotions he was he was letting free. Danny had always veen to much of an introvert to tell is how he felt, let alone show it.

"Danny what's wrong?  One day your fine with me sleeping with whore's and your even being my wing man, now your flipping out and crying over me flirting with them? I don't know what i-" I got out before he shifted from where he was standing and brought his lips to mine with such pasion amd force. His lips were slightly chapped but still the best ones I've ever felt against mine. And even though everything in my body was screaming that I was straight, I couldn't help but notice my stomach doing flips and the deep ache in my chest beginning to fade. Just as I got the courage to kiss back Danny pulled away, more tears leaking from his beautiful blue eyes. As soon as pulled away I brought my fingers to my tingling lips, a craving to have him kiss me again filling my confused body but he just sighed and walked away, grabbing a bottle of drink in his hand and hopping into his bunk, shutting the curtain as I'm sure he began to drink so he could try and shut out the world too. I wanted to speak to him.. but I knew I would only make it wors, And if I went now Danny would be far to hot headed to listen to anything ai had to say.

I decided to just go get some fresh air and let him calm down, going over what I would say to him in my head. But, after a few minutes I heard those girls again. As they walked closer I took note of their disheveled clothing and tangled hair, one of them was even missing a shoe and had large rips in her tights.

"where dis you go Benny?" One girl said with a drunken slur, basically justifying their appearance with their intocification.

"Oh.. um nowhere, but I'm sorry ladies. I've really got to go, but maybe I'll see you later tonight?" I said then quickly walked away from them, not wanting to speak to drunk girls. Yet, at the same time a voice in the back of my mind said it was because I didn't want them, I wanted to go back with Danny and just hold him close and kiss him. Even the thought made a deep uninvited blush rise to my cheeks. I just wanted to get away for a while, so I took off running in the strange city that I had never been in before, letting it's dark shadows envelop me and help disappear like I wanted.


By the time I got home it was two in the morning and everyone was alseep, my mind groggy and my limbs aching from all the walking ontop of the stage performance. As I walked closer to my his bunk my confidence slowly builded and I made a move to climb into his bunk. He didn't even wake up when I did, the emoty bottle of vodka still in his hand as I moved a bit of his stray hair from his face.  Just looking at his peaceful features, letting my eyes wander down to his lips before I brought our together, kissing him with force and passion and all the suppressed emotions I had lied to myself about for so long. After a short moment Danny's eyes sprung open, but only to flutter back shut once he realized who he was kissing. His tongue ran across my bottom lip and I opened my mouth slightly, allowing his tounge to enter and tangle with mine. After a minute I pulled away looking deep into his eyes before turning around as sliding out of his bunk and into my own.

He didn't come after me, and I wasn't sure if I wanted him to. I was too confused and it was too late at night. So I just kicked off my shoes and let them fall to the floor and I fell asleep almost immediately, the fatigue from thr day finally setting in.


well hi guys! I really hope you like my story! please keep reading and make sure to vote! I promise the story will be amazing c: give it time to heat up a little though!

-TylerCarter4L -Edited chapter-

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