I Don't Wanna Do This Anymore, I'm moving on.

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"Ben! Ben! wake up!!" Sam's words echoed through my head as I started to slowly slip back into conciousness

"please be okay!!" he screamed "baby!? call and ambulance!! Ben his hurt!"

with shaky breathy I was able to let out a grogy "N-Noo"

"oh thank god! ben!!" sam sighed

"d-don't let them take me Sam.. let me go.. I want to be with Danny" I whispered to him

"no Ben. y-you dont know what your saying I just lost one brother. I refuse to lose you to. please just pull through.."

everything slowly faded to black again. I wanted to be dead. I needed to be Dead. I was hoping I was gone, because even this never ending blackness would be better then life without Danny. I soon heard a rythmic beep of a machine somewhere near me, even though my eyes were still closeed I subconcioisly knew that they had saved me. I knew I was in a hospital. I also knew that there were months and months of therapy ahead of me and that there was going to be all the guys watching after me, never wanting to leave me alone. life will be a mild form of hell for the next couple weeks.

"w-what do you mean he's in a coma?!" I heard Someone scream. I knew that voice I just couldn't place it.

"so your saying there's a chance he could never wake up?!" the same comfortingly familiar voice yelled

"I'm sorry Mr.Cassells but your friend is in a very unstable condition. It's possibal he wont wake up for days, months, maybe even years." The nurse said walking out of the room

Oh, she was talking to James.. they think I'm in a comma, but I'm not. At least I don't think I am. I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't open. I tried to slowly move my arm but I still got nothing. I tried to slowly move the tips of my fingers but even that wouldn't work.

"H-Hey Ben.. huh, well they said your not going to wake up for a while... I just need you to wake up Ben. Your my brother, I can't live with losing you too. Just please.. I'm begging you, you have to pull through. I know it hurts you to not have Danny. But all of us need you here. Please brother.. come back" James said with a tired strained voice. He put his hand on top of mine and I tried to move. I tried to talk, I had to do something to let him know I was here.

"I'll see you later today mate.. I have to take Brandi home.. I love you brother.." James said and even though I couldn't see him I knew he was crying. His voice got thick and he started hiccuping in breaths.

The next thing I heard was a door close and then It was back to nothing but silence and the black of my own eye lids. I wish I was dead. It would be so much easier, people would get over it and would stop hoping for me to wake up. I tried opening my eyes again, Nothing. I tried to move my arms, Nothing. I tried to wiggle my fingers and it worked! Sucess! Wow.. you never realize how bad you fucked up until your happy about moving your fingers a fraction of an inch. But it was a start, it ment I was going to wake up..... hopefully.

I heard the door open and the sound of someone sniffing away tears.

"H-Hey Ben.. It's Cam.. I just.. Please wake up, we need you. I need you. Please.. we can't do this without you.. Danny.. he wouldnt have wanted this."

I started thinking which was about all I could do right now. Danny wouldnt have wanted this.. he loved me alot. I know that much. He never would have wanted me to. Have hurt myself, he wouldn't want me to be here.

I needed to get out of this place. I started trying to move everything and anything I could. I ended up lifting my hand and touching Cam, on what I can only imagine was his shoulder

"Oh my god! Ben!"Cam yelled "are you awake?! Are you okay?!"

I ket out a low gruble cursing at my self for not being able to form words. But the most important thing was that I was on my way to being alive, being awake.


Hey guys Ben's in a coma. So yeah c: don't forget to vote, comment, share, and add to library


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