Another Disappointment

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"Were going on stage today.." Sam told me now that neither of us were crying and we were settled in the lounge.

"W-Why how?" I asked him

"Ohh, uh were not preforming.. we have to tell the audience what happend.. no one knows yet." Sam said

"C-Can I tell them? The fans I mean" I asked

"Well, I dont see why not. But Cam wants to talk to everyone before we go on stage. He should be up soon" he told me.

"What about me?" I heard a tired voice say behind me

"We were just talking about how you wanted to talk to us before we went on.." sam tralied off

"Oh, yeah.. lets wait till James wakes up"  he replied walking away to get coffee

I don't know how he was so fucking strong. Even with his puffy eyes and broken figure he was being stronger then I was. Although that didn't matter.. I needed Danny, so I wasn't broken. I am a selfish, hopeless creature. But I need him. He was the only good part of me there ever was.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and started sobbing again. I was selfish, that all it was. I pushed away Danny because I was selfish, I needed him now because I was selfish, without him... I am nothing

"What the fuck is go-- oh.." James said as he walked out from the bunk area.

"Come here ben.." he cooed as he sat down and pulled me close to him

I put my legs down and hugged him back and cried into his shoulder. James was comforting but he just wasnt Danny.

"Okay! Everyone's here... sorta.." Cameron sighed "so, we need to tell the fans about Danny.. not so much how or why it happend, but they do need to know.."

"C-Can I tell them?.." I interupted

"Oh, well I-I... are you sure you can handle it?." Cam questioned

"Yes.." I sighed

"Guys.. I need to get something of my chest.." James spoke pulling his arms from around me and standing up. "I-I'm the one that gave Danny the drugs... it's my fault he's dead. I gave him more then I should have, I thought he would be fine..just.. I'm sorry" James said breaking into tears and falling to his knees in a blubbering mess.

It wasn't only my fault.. it was his fault to. If James wouldn't have given him the drugs, Danny would still be here. I was discusted, even though I knew I shouldnt be, this was just as much my fault as it was his... but I needed to blame someone. If it was all my fault I wouldnt be able to live with myself. I needed to be selfish.. I needed to lie to myself.. and this was the perfect opportunity.

"I'm so so sorry ben" James cried as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me, you son of a bitch!!" I yelled as I got up swatted his hand away and ran out of the bus. I got out side and fell to the ground. I sat and put my head in my hands and let my tears fall..... I was a terribal person.


I AM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT!!!  But I will write more chapters more often I swear! ♡


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