Dry Your Eyes You'll Be Okay

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~~~~~Cameron's POV~~~~~

"Ben! Ben! Fuck." I yelled picking ben up and carying him into the bus. Hoping that he had only passed out.

"Cam, w-what do we do?" Sam asked trailing inside behind me

"I don't know, sam" I replied honestly

I put ben down on the couch and put blankets over him. And looked over to the guys.  We were falling apart, James was crying his eyes out and sam was practically hyperventalating. I really didn't know what to do or to tell them, because I could feel myself sliping just as they were. But I knew I had to keep it together, if not for me then for them. I didn't know what we were going to do, or how we were going to move along. Danny was our brother, our mate, our best friend, and the lead singer Of this band that I already could see crumbling more by the minute

"Ben, Ben I need you to wake up, mate" I whispered to him

"Ughhhhhhhh" ben let out while slowly sitting up

"What do you want?" He said looking at me, the look in his eyes... I could barely stand it There was nothing but imense hurt and pain and sadness and regret

"I need you to tell us what happend...to Danny" I told him

"He fucking died Cam." He spat out, the harshness of his words shocking me. He pulled his knees up to his chest and began to sobb loudly which made me crumble even more, seeing even one of the strongest men I knew break completly and all any of us could do was watch.

"Please Ben... we need to know" I said trying to pull the story from within him

"Danny and I.. well we were together..." ben breathed out

"No shit" I chuckled "anyone within a five mile radius could hear your guys's moans"

He smiled at me half heartedly, which I knew was the best I would get out of him and most likely will again.

"I-I.... well yesterday... I lied and told Danny I didn't love him... it was the worst mistake I could have made... I was afraid to be gay.. I was afraid of what people would think.. I came home and he was just laying there, he wasn't breathing he wasnt moving.... I went to him and tried to wake him up but nothing worked.. I called 9-1-1 and held him close before they got here... and then they took Danny away from me... and I had to leave him.. again I... it should have been me. He didn't deserve this... I didn't deserve him." Ben's said his voice got unsteady, having tears stream down his face and onto his lap

I scooted closer to him, I didnt make him stop crying.. I knew that wasnt what he needed. So I just held him tightly and let him sob while I rubbed conforting circles on his back. Then Sam and James came and wrapped there arms around me and Ben. We all just cried and let it out, even I was sobbing like a small child. And What felt like hours later we pulled away from the hug that held the last little bit of hope we had.

"I-I think we should go to sleep" I said my voice weak and tired, no longer strong or happy

The guys went to there bunks and I helped Ben stand

"C-Can I sleep in Danny's bunk Cam?" Ben asked me saddness coating his once light and cheery voice

"Sure" I said walking him to Danny's bunk and waited for him to crawl inside

"Thank you so much Cam. I don't know what I would do without you" ben said wrapping me in a tight hug

"Your welcome Ben, but we need to at least try and sleep" I said as he pulled away and crawled into Danny's bunk hopefully falling asleep

'Tomarrow's gonna be a long day' I thought as I crawled into my bunk and slowly fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

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