Memang Cuma Gue Yang Bisa - 4 (Cinta Gak Harus Memiliki)

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In the heat of the fight
I walked away,
Ignoring words that you were saying,
Tryna make me stay.
I said, "This time I've had enough."
And you've called a hundred times,
But I'm not pickin' up.
'Cause I'm so mad, I might tell you that
it's over.
But if you look a little closer

I said, "Leave," but all I really want is
To stand outside my window, throwing
pebbles, screaming, "I'm in love with
Wait there in the pourin' rain,
Come back for more.
And don't you leave,
'cause I know all I need
is on the other side of the door.

Me and my stupid pride
I'm sittin' here, alone.
I'm going through the photographs,
Staring at the phone.
I keep going back over
Things we both said
And I remember the slammin' door,
And all the things that I misread.
So babe if you know everything
Tell me why you couldn't see
That when I left I wanted you to
Chase after me? Yeah

I said, "Leave," but all I really want is
To stand outside my window, throwing
pebbles, screaming, "I'm in love with
Wait there in the pourin' rain,
Come back for more.
And don't you leave,
'cause I know all I need
is on the other side of the door.

And I scream out the window,
"I can't even look at you, I don't need
But I do, I do, I do.
I say, "There's nothing you can say
To make this right again, I mean it,
I mean it"
What I mean is

I said, "Leave," but baby all I want is
To stand outside my window, throwing
pebbles, screaming, "I'm in love with
Wait there in the pourin' rain,
Come back for more.
And don't you leave,
'cause I know all I need
is on the other side of the door.

With your face, and your beautiful eyes
And the conversation
With the little white lies.
And the faded picture
Of a beautiful night
You carried me from your car
up the stairs
And I broke down cryin'
Was she worth this mess?
After everything and that little black
After everything I must confess,
I need you
(The Other Side of The Door-Taylor Swift)

Ify terus mendengarnya berulang-ulang kali, karena lagu tersebut mencerminkan perasaan yang dialaminya saat ini (menurut penulis). Ify terus-terusan me-repeat lagu tersebut.

"Kak Ify!" panggil Deva yang langsung masuk kekamarnya.

"Kak, lo jangan muter lagu itu terus dong, kasian Taylor-nya nyanyi terus, capek," celetuk Deva. Ify hanya tertawa.

"Ahaha, lo mau nyoba ngibur gue ya?" Tanya Ify. Deva hanya menggaruk-garuk kepala.

"Lo tenang aja, sekarang gue gak papa kok, gue udah baikkan," ujar Ify meyakinkan adiknya yang sangat khawatir terhadapnya.

"Bener, ya, awas lo nangis lagi! Kak Rio daritadi nyoba telpon terus ke telpon rumah, soalnya hape lo di matiin, lo beneran gak mau ngomong dikit aja sama dia?" Tanya Deva. Ify menggeleng.

"Gue bukannya gak mau, Dev. Tapi gue masih belom siap aja, gue masih sakit," kata Ify. Kemudian ia menghela napas.

"Gue rasa ini ulang tahun ke 17 gue yang paling buruk, Dev..." gumam Ify.

"Jangan ngomong kayak gitu, Kak! Gue yakin lo sama Kak Rio bakal baikkan lagi," kata Deva. Ify tersenyum.

"Thanks, Dev atas doa lo," kata Ify.

"Gue keluar dulu ya," kata Deva. Ify mengangguk.

Deva keluar dari kamar Ify, dan pergi kekamarnya. Deva langsung mengambil jaketnya dan kunci mobil yang diletakka di samping Televisi, dan pergi ke suatu tempat.


Rumah Sakit

Keke terus menggonta-ganti channel Televisi. Ia merasa sangat bosan, orang tuanya lebih memilih pekerjaan mereka dibanding kesehatan anaknya. Keke sendirian di sana.

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