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Edit: 2018/11/10


The only material that is blocking me from the deadly non-oxygenated environment is falling apart, just like Ailouroeidís, my planet.

I looked back as my planet getting pulled apart as it literally cracked into two chunks and then getting sucked away by two separate black holes from either side. My heart was torn into two as well, it's gone. My home is gone, and I can't do anything about it. The only thing that I could do was sit there and look on, a whimper escaped my throat and my cries were muffled when curled up into the seat. The only sound that accompanied me was the beeping of the escape pod as it alerted me the decrease of oxygen.

After a few minutes of silence and floating around in the tiny space pod, I straightened myself and turned towards the controls, setting the route towards the nearest planet. I pushed my hands against the wheel forcing it to move forward in its fastest pace.


The glass is cracking more and more, the temperature is getting lower and lower. Ice started to form from the coldness outside, I'm losing oxygen, losing life support. The planet is too far to reach, I wouldn't last any more than 5 minutes. And to get to the nearest planet it would take months.

"How long can I survive if shut down to hibernation?" I asked the machine

"7 years," The female robotic sounds reached my ears, it sounded cold and non-existing just like my planet.

"Good enough, hibernation it is then," I laid back to make myself comfortable as they inject me with a serum that would keep me asleep.

I could feel the sleepiness force through my body as my vision starts to waver. The coldness seeped through my veins and made me miss the warm jungle weather that I grew up in. Closing my eyes, I took a last look into the universe. The shining stars blinking and shining like diamonds. I can see that a thin layer of ice had started to make its way to my legs and arms. I can't feel my fingers nor my legs, they turned numb and heavy. I just know that my life will forever change and never be the same.

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