Chapter 2

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Edit: 2018/11/10

The pain was the only thing that processed through my mind the moment I can move my feet and legs. It felt like someone chained weights all over my body making it extremely heavy and hard to move. It took me a few minutes to open my eyes and adjust to the bright lights from the window.

One glance from the window got me confused, there were flying cargo ships and big building, where the heck am I? Wincing at every movement I managed to sit upright, I clamber off the bed so slow that I became extremely frustrated.

My legs are like lead and jelly at the same time, they don't move on my command and my balance is just so off balance. I took support from the window and gaze out, it really is a remarkable sight to be honest, back at home we don't have this much transportation. I suppose I had finally got myself to what they call Earth, I had been here a couple of times but I prefer to stay at home.

The door slide open, it revealed a human male who looked like in his fifties. He stared at the empty bed then back at me. His mouth open and closed at the same time, he had a piercing glare that made me uncomfortable, thank god that the pills in my body still work or I would be found out straight away. Who knows what people would do to me if they saw my ears?

"What you looking at?! Take a picture it'll last longer." I snapped

He forced himself out of the trance and marched over to me, which was when I noticed his uniform, the word Starfleet came right into my mind. Earth is famous for the Starfleet but I don't know much about it.

"My name is Pike, Captain Pike." He held out a hand, I stare at it but didn't take it.

He let out an awkward cough and took his hand back. I scanned him up and down, he doesn't look that threatening I suppose. I wonder what Starfleet means, I only know that they have a lot of people and also an academy.

"Leona." Was my blunt reply, I didn't even try to make an impression let alone a good one

"The last name?" he asked

"It doesn't concern you, how long have I been out?" I rolled my eyes, he looked like a deflated balloon now

"Only for a few days, I am surprised that you have been walking about after being frozen for 7 years, the doctor said that you would have like weeks to be able to walk."

"I'm different, I'm stronger," I smirked proudly, thanks to my genes, Ailos tend to heal faster

"May I ask a question?" he held up a finger while taking a seat on the bed

"Hurry up, I have more question than you probably have," I replied rudely, can't blame me I am alone in this world with no backup, he sighed at my impatience and took a seat at one of the sad armchairs in a corner.

"Why were you being iced up inside that escape pod? Where did you come from? How did you get into that Ailos spaceship?"

"That's more than one question." I pointed out with both my eyebrow raised

"Please just answer them." Pike pinched the space between his eyebrows

"I was there to meet my friend and the planet was attacked, we were about to escape but my friend didn't have enough time. I was forced to leave alone, we had both had planned on going to the space shuttle but only I made it out." I lied professionally.

It was kind of a little trick I have up my sleeves, I was famous for small lies back at home that's why I can get away not getting into trouble. I get myself into trouble far too much than normal. I was more of a troublemaker. Out of all my siblings, I was the wildest and the hardest to tame.

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