First Tattoo

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Omg! Jack got his tattoo! I've been waiting to see what it looks like and know I did :D but I don't know the reference he did for it, even tho he said it on his Instagram and probably Twitter. But if he's happy with it, I will too! :)) now on with the short imagine!

Jack's POV

"Babe! I'm going to go get my first tattoo! Be back later! Love you!!!" Jack screamed as he ran out the door.

Your POV

"Love you too!" I yelled back before he closed the door.
'Okay, Jack will be gone for a few hours.. Depending on his tattoo.. So why not clean up the place!' I thought as I looked at the living room. It was a complete mess! A LOT of clothes every where, a bunch of empty boxes from the cookies Jack devoured! Soda Pop cans all over the table... from me..

I sighed and grabbed my phone to go hook it up to my little speaker. I turned it up loud! 'Sorry neighbors!' I thought.
I went to the closet and grabbed the vacuum and started in Jack's room, then his recording room.
I finally finished vacuuming the apartment. I went to the living room and picked up all the dirty clothes and dishes and garbage.
I found a cookie! I snatched and ate it. Jack sometimes never shared his cookies.. So lucky me!

~time skip to Jack back~

Your POV

I heard Jack holler for me as he walked in. I popped my head from the bathroom, "oh hey babe! How was it?!"
"Oh it was great! Come look at it!" He yelled back. I walked out and saw it. I stood there confused, "uh babe what is it? It's cool tho" I smiled confused.
"Oh it's a reference to Bloodbourne!" (Is that what it was right?? I'm too lazy to look at it on Instagram) He smiled showing me. (Like picture)

"Awesome babe! Let me take a picture, I bet your fans are so impatiently waiting!" I said. I grabbed my phone and stuck his arm out and smiled. I giggled and took and texted him the picture.
"I texted it to you" I smiled and sat down. I left up my sleeve and looked at my little tattoo I got before I met Jack. I started lining out the tattoo and smiled.
Jack sat next to me, and snaked his around my waist. I smiled and looked at him.
"I still can't believe you got a little septic sam tattoo on your wrist!" He lined out my tattoo as well and kept smiling.

"Well before we dated, I loved your videos" I beamed.
"Well I love you!" He booped my nose.
"I love you too!" I kissed his nose.

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