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Christmas was just a few days away. You and Jack had presents for each other, hidden around the house until the night before Christmas to put them under the tree.

"Jack I'm going to the store! Be back in a half hour!" You yelled.

"Okay! Bye!" Jack yelled from the kitchen.

"Don't go looking for the presents or I'll kick your ass!" You warned as you headed out the door.

Jack heard the door close. He smiled deviously, "Time to look for my presents!" Jack walked out of the kitchen, to the living room. He tapped his chin, "If I were Y/N, where would I hide the presents?"

Jack ran into the room you two shared, and ran into the closet. Searched all over the room. No presents to be found.

Jack looked everywhere in the house, "ugh! Where are they?!" Jack tilt his head back, he was now staring at the attic door. "AHA!" He grabbed the string and the door with foldable stairs came down.

Jack climbed up the stairs.
Turned on the light, dozens of presents were laying up here. Jack had a bright smile painted on his face.

Jack managed to open two presents before he heard the front door open and close.
He stayed quiet.

"Sean William Mcloughlin! You better not be opening your presents!" You shouted as you walked up the stairs.

Jack rushed down the attic stairs, as his foot hit the floor, you were standing there arms crossed, and your foot tapping.

Jack turned around and jumped, "ahh! Hi baaby.." Jack chuckled nervously.

"Jack. What did I tell you?" You asked, glaring him down.

"T-To not go looking for my presents...." Jack looking everywhere but you.

"And what did you do while I was gone??" You asked, obviously knowing what he did.

"I-I looked for my presents.." Jack confessed, looking at his feet.

You sighed deeply, "How many did you open?"

"Only two." Jack held up two fingers.

"Which ones?" You asked, Jack went back up the stairs. You heard wrapping paper being thrown around, Jack came back down.

Jack had the bear hat on, and he held the desktop drum set you got him. You smiled, as Jack held up the drum set to his face with a big grin on his face.

"I knew you'd look adorable in that hat" you chuckled.
Jack chuckled.

"I love these! Thanks babe!" Jack set down the drum set box, and hugged you.
You gave in and hugged back.

"Your welcome, Jack, please don't peek at anymore of your presents! Christmas is in a couple days!" You said.

"Okay okay I promise I won't." Jack pecked your cheek, put the attic door up, and headed downstairs.

You kicked his butt.
"Hey!?" Jack yelped, "what was that for??"

"I told you I was gonna kick your ass if you peeked at your presents!" You laughed.

You and Jack laughed and kept walking down the stairs.

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