Just Friends

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You and Jack just started being friends a few months ago, thanks to Felix introducing you to him.
Instantly, Mark and Felix both saw a spark in both of you, when you didn't. You just liked Jack as a friend.
But, you're not so sure about Jacks feelings towards you..

You were listening to music while drawing. Your phone chimed. It was Mark.

M - Y/n! Wanna hangout with me and Jack?! We're bored!:(
Y - sure be there in a few minutes! :)

You grabbed your phone and keys, and headed out the door.

You drove into Mark's driveway. Went up to the door and knocked a few times.
You heard rushed footsteps, like running, "MARK Y/N IS HERE!!" you heard muffled yells. You laughed to yourself.

The door opened and there was Jack.

"Y/n! You made it! Thank gOD!" Jack cheered, opening his arms for a hug. You accepted, "yay I made it"

Chica barked and ran towards you.
"Chica!" You squealed.

Mark ran down the stairs, "Y/n!! You're here!" He cheered giving me a hug. You hugged back.

"Yes! I made it! Now what are we gonna do??" You asked.
"I don't know" Jack shrugged. Mark shrugged too.
You grabbed Chica's leash, and went to the door, you whistled, Chica came running towards you. "Come on boys lets go for a walk" you smiled.

You walked out the door, with Chica beside you. Her tail was wagging repeatedly, she was so happy.

Mark and Jack were running to catch up to you. They were still behind by a lot. You thought for a second, and started running too, Chica immediately ran too.

"Y/N!!!! WAIT!" Jack yelled.
"Y/N!! WAIT FOR uS!" Mark hollered. You were laughing, you caught sight of the dog park.

You sat down on the bench, trying to catch your breath.
You let Chica run around with other dogs.

Mark and Jack finally caught up to you.
"Y/n. What.. The.... Fuck..?!" Mark breathed out.
"Oh..hi guys.. What took you so long?" You asked innocently.
"You.. Left us!" Jack yelled, still trying to breathe normally.
You laughed, "sorry guys I thought it was funny"
Mark playfully lunged your arm. You poked his side, he jolted away, "y/n don't do that, it tickles." Mark laughed.

A idea popped in your head. You got closer to them and poked both of them on the sides. They both jolted away and squealed. You laughed. Mark ran to Chica.

Jack was the only one left. You smirked, Jack's smile dropped, "why are you look at me like that??" Jack backed away.

You giggled and ran towards him, to be only grabbed by the waist, and being thrown over Jack's shoulder. You squealed.
"JaCK PuT me doWN!" You squealed, hitting his back.
"Nope." Was his only response.

"MaRK!" You yelled. Mark looked over to you. He laughed and had a devious smile. He came over to you and jack.

"Jack put her down." Mark said sternly. Jack set you down, but held your wrist. Mark whispered into Jack's ear. They both had a devious smile.

You tried getting out of Jack's grip, but it was too strong. Jack spun you around, and brought you down to the ground. He pinned your arms down. You were kicking your legs frantically.

Mark sat on your legs.
"Here comes the tickle monster!" Mark chuckled. Your whole face turned pale.
Mark went for your armpits. You bursted into laughter, trying to get Mark off you.
He continued to tickle you. You were laughing with tears coming down.
"Guys...s-s-stop! I'm g-gon-gonna pee my p-pants!!!" You yelled through your fits of laughter.

You gasped for air. Mark and Jack were laughing. You glared at them and slapped their arms.

You got up and started walking back to Mark's. Mark grabbed Chica. Jack ran after you and slowed down. He picked you up bridle style. You yelped and clung to Jack's neck.

Jack's face turned a shade of red. Your face was pink.
"Jack put me down" you said.
"Nope." Jack replied, waiting for Mark.
Mark ran up to you two, with Chica.
"Aw! You guys look so cute together!! I ship it!" Mark squealed.
Jack's face turned even darker of red than it was before.

You glanced at Jack, who was red as a tomato. "No way Mark! We're just friends" you chuckled.
"I don't think, Jack thinks that.." Mark said.
You looked at Jack, confused.
Jack looked at you.
"Is that true?" You asked.
Jack slowly nodded.

You smiled slightly, and gave Jack a peck on the cheek. He tensed up than relaxed after you pulled away.

"Jack I might love you later but not today, I just like you as a friend right now." you whispered. Jack smiled and nodded.
He set you down, and you walked with them back to Mark's.
You thought in your head, "do I like Jack more than a friend?" "Why does he like me?" "Maybe I do like him..?"

You smiled at the thought of dating Jack..

Hello! I'm so sorry I haven't posted in awhile! Don't kill me! I don't have any ideas and school is pushing me away from wattpad >:p
But omG ! I saw this story has 1.38k reads! :0 omG! ThaNK yOU guYS so muCH!! <3
And should this have a paRT 2?? Let me knOW. See yOU guYS lateR! BuH bYE! 👋🏻

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