Chapter 2

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Catrinas mom finally came out of her depression. So she got the baby back. Ashelys mom divorced her dad. They got a divorce because Ashelys dad finally confessed. That the the baby with Catrinas mom was his. He moved in with Catrinas mom.

So he can help with the baby. But he forgot she is married. The next day a guy comes to her door. He said that her husband has been killed. She started crying.

I felt horrible once I found out. She had lost two people she loved dearly. The baby daddy was kind of relieved but sad. I forgot to tell you there names. I can't believe i forgot.

Catrina moms name is "Cathy." Her dads name is "James." Adults moms name is " Cathlena." Her dads name is "Cody." The new.babys name is "Princeton."

My moms name is "Storm." She has a wired name I know. But I love her to death. I worry myself to much. There death is making me worry. I will just stop thinking about them for now.

"Buzz" I got a text message from Jay. It says,"Wanna go out to eat tonight?" I respond,"yes I would love to." "Buzz" it's Jay again. "Great,pick u up @ 7" he texted. I say, "Okay see u then." I can't wait till tonight. It will take my mind off this stuff.

It's 6:00p.m Jay is at my house. We have sex until 6:30. Then we take a shower,get dressed and go. We ate at Applebees. It was fun. It sure took my mind off of stuff.

We got back to my house. It was 9:00p.m. His mom already said that he can stay with me tonight. My mom arrives around 10:30p.m. I ask if Jay can stay the night. She said, "I don't care just if you guys do anything remembet to use a condom." "OK mom" I reply.

We go up to my room. First thing I see is a note on my bed. Its from my mom. It says, "Be careful" with condoms by it. First of all how did she get up here before me? Thats weird but whatever. She's weird so I guess this is normal for her.

"Well we should use these" Jay says while walking towards my bed. "Really?" I say back. "Well she gave them to us to use so yeah" Jay said. "Fine" I say.

~Four Hours Later~

We get in the shower together...of course. We ended up having sex in the shower.

We never had sex in the shower before. But it was pretty fucking great. We got yelled at by my mom for taking hours in the shower. Next thing that we should try is kitchen sex.

When we do decide to have kitchen sex, we should do it at his house. His table is bigger than mine. All my friends are saying I'm a sex addict and I kinda agree with them. I never was a sex addict until I had sex with Jay.

I think I actually became more of a sex addict since Ashley died. I don't wana call Ashley a whore but she slept with a lot of guys. But Angel is more of a whore than Ashley ever would be. Angel is a annoying little whore. She can not keep her legs closed.

It might seem like I can't keep my legs closed either. But I can and at least when I do open them its for the same guy everytime. But for Angel its EVERY guy. But anyways I'm ready for Mrs.Candy's class tomorrow. But if I run into Corey the day will be ruined for sure.

He acts like he's all tough but he's actually a pussy. You can ask literally anybody at our school. But I want to stop talking about him before I get pissed off. So yeah...I just remembered that I have Mrs.Kind's class tomorrow too. She's our art teacher. She's twenty four years old. She's pretty young.

~Next Day~

We wake up, get in the shower, and we had shower sex to start the day off course. We get out and get ready to go to school. When we get there Corey pops up right in my face. Exactly what I didn't want to deal with today. -_- Jay and I go around him, but he followed us. Jay turns around and he cussed him out. I tried not to laugh but it was impossible. Coreys face was hilarious! Corey turns away and runs to his locker. Jay turened back towards me and puts his arm around me.

We head to Mrs.Kind's class. We walk in and she immediately gives me and Jay a paper and tells us to draw a rose. She knows that I cant fucking draw. So I didn't do it but Jay did cause he likes art class.

The bell rings and I head off to second period. It went pretty smooth. But now I have to go to third period. Probably gonna skip again cause Jordan and Angel are in my third period class. So I can't deal with that. Unless I'm lucky and there both not here. My third period is ELA. ELA is my favorite class but it gets ruined when I see there faces.

I walk into thrid period. Luckily I don't see either of them. I go take a seat and listen to the teacher. The class went by fast. I'm on my way to fourth period which is Mrs.Candy's class. Everybody said she's giving condoms out today.

Jay meets me at Mrs.Candy's door. We walk in and everybody takes there seats. Mrs.Candy asks how we're doing and all that bullshit. I was starting to daydream but got snapped back to reality when I heard Mrs.Candy say she was passing condoms out. Everybody was shocked. She asked all the boys what size the needed. When she got to Jay I tried to hide under my books. He said, "I need a XL." Everybody even the teacher looked at him with disbelief. Then I blurted out "Seriously he needs a XL." People's mouths opened in shock. Mrs.Candy asked how I knew and I just stared at her until she got the message that me and him have sex a lot.

Fourth period ended and everybody stared at us on our way out. I was thinking to myself and started to realize that almost everybody is providing Jay condoms.

Then I start getting deeper into my thoughts. I start thinking how I wish Ashley was still alive. How she would've loved that class. She was freak. Jay says I'm a freak but thats a total lie, right? If I'm a freak then Jay is a humongous freak. You should see the things he does in bed, oh god.

We've done almost every sex position. People wonder what Jay does with me in my room. They are so damn nosey. Ashley would never take some dumb shit like this. But she didn't care about her record. She got suspended a lot cause of getting in fights.

But my stomach hurts. I'm about to go find Jay and have him take me home. I hope he will stay and cuddle and watch Netflix with me. We'll probably fall asleep together.

I see Jay down the hall. I walk up to him and ask if he can take me home and stay with me. Of course he's says okay. He decided to go to his house instead of mine. When we get there we go straight to his room. He undresses me and lays me on the bed.

Obviously he wants to have sex. He thinks it might help my stomach. So of course being the sex addict I am, we try his remedy. We get done an hour later and surprisingly my stomach doesn't ache anymore.

"OH SHIT!" Jay yells. "What?!" I say trying to figure out what's wrong. "I forgot to put the condom on..." He says. "OMFG" I reply.

I hope I'm not pregnant. "Be honest dude. Did Chase tell you to not put a condom on or did you really forget?" I ask him. "100% honesty Chase told me not to." "WTF why would you listen to him?!!" Jay doesn't say anything.

I'm totally gonna kick Chase's ass tomorrow.

"Do you want a baby, Jay?" I ask. "Yes!" He says while smiling. "I want us to have something together." He says. "Well you might get your wish." I reply.

I have to make a doctors appointment. My mom will kill me if I'm pregnant. But I need to take a nap. My brain hurts from all this thinking. Jay cuddles me and we take a nap together.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2014 ⏰

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