I Wanna Hold Your Hand

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~At School~

Mallory: (sits at the table next to George,Ringo and Maureen) hey guys

They all wave hello while stuffing food in their face. George and Ringo are cousins while Maureen and I are best friends, we've been friends since the beginning of high school, and now that it's the last year, were still carrying a strong friendship.

Maureen: Are you going to prom?

Mallory: why would I go? I have no one to go with (laughs)

George: what's funny about that?

Mallory: I'm a nerd guys, come on!

Ringo: doesn't necessarily mean yer ugly...

Mallory: thanks... Plus I have homework to do

Maureen: (nods) well I was gonna say we can all go together..

Mallory: I'll think about it Mo

A silence has been formed Within our group but broken when the bell rings. I grab my things and head towards my locker with Ringo.

Ringo: can ye please come? We all need to hang out!

Mallory: I said I'll think about it..

Ringo responds with a sigh and I slam my locker, changing my direction and John Lennon has caught my eye.

Ringo: Mal?

I tend to like people totally opposite, John is the cool guy, gets all the girls, has great hair, looks tough, and is a musician. I kept staring at him until I noticed him walking towards my direction?! I snap out of it and drag Ringo the other way

John: Mallory!

Mallory: (stops and turns around) J-John?

John: don't be surprised luv, I wanna ask ye somethin!

I nod and stare at him, Ringo looks at both of us and walks away.

John: are you going to prom?

Mallory: I don't know, I really don't...

John: would ye know if I asked ye to come with me?

My response was a big smile, John grins.

John: is that a yes?

Mallory: (nods)

John: Friday, 6:30

I watch John walk away, he asked me to prom! I can't believe it!, then the moment is ruined when the tardy bell rings, shoot!

It's finally 3:30 and I meet Mo, George and Ringo outside, Mo doesn't look happy..

Maureen: is John taking you to prom?

Mallory: yes...

*please comment and let me know what you think of this fan fic! So if I should continue or not, thanks :)*

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