Ringo's POV

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After all the drama, I really didn't want to go tonight but Maureen had convinced me to come. I was preparing myself for what might happen, Maureen and Mallory fighting, John breaking Mals heart, or just seeing Mallory with John. Worst case scenarios never happen, buts it's important to prepare.

George: Ringo are ye ready!?

Ringo: Yup!

I head downstairs, leading to me and George leaving and picking Maureen up, we head to our school.

Maureen: it's quite decent in here..

Ringo: very lovely actually

George: there's no food yet!

Maureen: George, there's so many things going on, pattie is coming and your main concern is the food?

George: pretty much..

I chuckle and I take a sip of my drink, looking around the room for Mallory, I see John but she's no where to be found.

Ringo: where's Mallory?

Maureen: told you John is going to break her heart..

I looked around again, then The Lettermen-the way you look tonight, came on and there's Mallory looking very lovely, beautiful. She smiles to everyone's reaction, John lets out his hand and Mallory takes it, I watch the two of them dance together... Maureen interrupts..

Maureen: Hey Ringo?

Ringo: yep?

Maureen: do you want to dance?

Ringo: ye wanna dance with me?

Maureen: I do..

I stared at Maureen, shocked by her question, she is a wonderful girl, so I take her hand and we dance slowly to the song..

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