Ringo's P.O.V

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The conversation got awkward, so I looked at my watch as a distraction.

Ringo: lunch is almost over...guess I should get going

Mallory: me too

We stood up and I gave her a long tight hug before letting go. She was gone and so was I. I thought about the lunch, what I could've done better which was not to talk about John but I can't help to believe he's not right for Mal. I walked along the sidewalk seeing interesting things as always and to my surprise, John. I took a closer look and he's kissing on some other girl who was blond, isn't that Paul's girlfriend? I stopped where I was and continued to investigate.

They pulled back and smiled at each other, The bell rings and they walk towards the school and so do I, looking for Mallory and she catches my eye.

Ringo: Mal!

Mallory: Ringo? Hey!

Ringo: listen I need to tell you something, it's about John...

Mallory: have you seen him? Is he okay?

As the words were ready to exit my mouth, John appears out of no where.

John: Ello

He wraps his arm around her and kisses her. How can he do that after kissing someone else? My anger grew higher. They smiled and headed towards class, I had to do something! Class became so stressful because half of my thoughts were on Mal.

Maureen: are you alright luv?

Ringo: no not really...

Maureen: what's going on?

Ringo: it's Mal..

Maureen: what with Mal?

I shook my head and continued to finish my work until the clock struck three. I headed out immediately to catch Mal before John does.

Mallory: Ringo what's going on?

Ringo: it's John he....

I see John heading towards us and without thinking, I grabbed Mal and placed my lips on hers, she pulls back with shock, the same look is on everyone's face including maureen's and John's.....

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