Chapter 9

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Sometime did arrive, John stuck with Paul and Maureen hung out with George and Pattie. Me and Ringo took the chance and headed somewhere to eat. It was a typical place which we knew, a club we all used to attend to when we were a group. The music blasted louder than everyone's conversations because they were actually a live group. Me and Ringo took our attention to the group and when the song ended, we faced each other speechless.

Ringo: so?

Mallory: thank you for inviting me

Ringo: no problem *smiles and takes a sip* we need to do this more often

Mallory: I wish..

Ringo: what do ye mean "I wish"? Of course you can!

Mallory: well I don't think John would appreciate it

Ringo: so the bloke is controlling yer life?

Mallory:'s what I can do because he loves me so much

Ringo: I've never liked John so I'm going to say, bullshit!

Mallory: Ringo hush!

Ringo: what? No man should control your life

Mallory: who knows if I'll have another man in my life

Ringo: Mallory, you are beautiful, you will have guys falling for you throughout yer life...

I shook my head while taking a sip of my drink. Why did I even agree to come to lunch with Ringo, it's my life I can do what I want.

Ringo: (looks at watch) lunch is almost over...guess I should get going

Mallory: me too

We both stood up and he gave me a hug, a long, tight hug. I pulled back and left the place. I started to look for John....

-To be continued-

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