Chapter two

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After replying to Maureen's question, her reaction was not good.

Maureen: how come John and not us?

Mallory: you know how much I like John!

Maureen: but friends come first!

Mallory: I know!, I'm sorry guys, I got too caught up, I really am, maybe you can hang with us?

Maureen: not going to happen, he doesn't like us...

Mallory: well he's going to if he wants to go with me

Maureen: (rolls eyes) good luck with that

Mallory: why can't you just be happy for me?! At least I got a Date!

Maureen: (eyes widen) John is a jerk, and if he breaks your heart I don't want you coming to me!

Mallory: it's fine because he won't!

Mo, having enough of this walks off, with George coming along too, Ringo stood there with a frown.

Ringo: it sort of isn't fair Mal...

Mallory: you too?

Ringo: Mallory, I'm yer friend and I care a lot, John just isn't right, I-

Ringo gets interrupted when John comes by, wrapping his arm around me.

Ringo: I'll get going, see ya Mal.. (walks off)

John: what's wrong?

Mallory: nothing's wrong

John: I'm excited about Friday, want to come fer a smoothie?

Mallory: of course!

John: great! Paul and Cyn are coming along too

Mallory: Cyn? As in Cynthia?

John: ye, why?

Mallory: I don't get along with her, she hates me

John: didn't look like it, I told her and she agreed that she'd come

I really didn't want to go because of Cyn, but I went anyways with John, he seemed happy that I'd did. What was suppose to be a happy experience turned into something awkward when Cyn and I hardly spoke.

Paul: why don't ye guys get along?

Mallory: it's a long story..

Cyn stays quiet sipping her smoothie.

John: why don't ye girls head to the shops together fer a dress?

Cynthia: I have one already

John: do ye have one Mal?

Mallory: not really..

Paul: well ye could help Mallory out and you can get yer nails, or hair done

Cyn smiles and give a small smile as well, going to be another long day tomorrow...

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