Chapter 19

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I walked out of the house upset and didn't bother to look back. But sort of regret walking home alone, all the creeps were out and they kept staring. I kept my distance but one person didn't not when he bumped into me.

"Can you watch where you're going?"

I shook my head and didn't bother to say anything and continued to make my way home...

Finally, I arrive into the house, slamming the door and by surprise my mom comes down to the living room.

Mom: Where have you been?

Mallory: don't worry mom, I didn't do anything

Mom: well I thought you would be at the hospital

Mallory: the hospital? Why?

Mom: oh no...

Mallory: mom, what is it?

Mom: it's your friends John and Rory, they've been hurt

Mallory: been hurt? I just left their house!

Mom: well thank god you didn't stay, they've been shot love

Mallory: Oh my god!

I blasted out the door, running my way to the hospital. I was going through such a rush I didn't stop running until I went to the front desk. I was struggling to spit out my words due to shortness of breath..

Nurse: are you alright?

Mallory: It's..It's...My friends...John and Rory...


I turned Around to catch Ringo in tears, I knew this wasn't a good sign..

Mallory: are they okay?

Ringo shook his head and wrapped his heavy arms around me, right away I knew someone or both didn't make it..

Mallory: Tell me rings

Ringo: He died..

Mallory: Who?!

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