Maureen's POV

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Me and George went after school to grab lunch, and across the street, I catch Mallory laughing with Cyn, this is weird...

Maureen: I guess Mal made a new friend...

George: I guess she did, speaking of gurls? Ye know pattie?

Maureen: yes, and?

George: I'm taking her tomorrow...

Maureen: that's great George! I guess it's just me and Ringo left

George: you guys should go together!

Maureen: no thanks *smiles* I don't think he would go with me..

George: I thought you liked him?

Maureen: I do but I don't think I want to at the same time..

George: gurls are so complicated

I playfully punch George's arm and we go have our lunch...

~Next Day~

I thought throughout the whole day, I should give it a chance with Ringo, maybe ask him to dance with me at prom. I take one last look in the mirror and I hear a horn...they're here. I sat in the back, messing with my fingers, thinking but my worst thoughts approached, what if he says no? What if he doesn't like me back? The car stops we're here. We arrive, it's nice, but George's first reaction was to look for food. He wanders off leaving me with Ringo..

Ringo: where's Mallory?

Maureen: told you John is going to break her heart...

He starts looking around for her, why is he so concerned? Then she comes out with Cynthia, watching them walk to their guys, and all Ringo is doing, is staring. Moments later, George's comes with a plate full of food, and pattie arrives the same time, now they both wander off and I'm ready to ask..

Maureen: hey Ringo?...

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