Mallorys POV

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Mallory: do you think we'll be late?

Cynthia: a little but we'll be fine

Im so nervous, especially with how I look because I've never looked this nice. What if John hates it? Then car makes a turn then a final stop, we step out of the car, holding my dress down due to the wind. We take a step inside and I immediately look for John. Cyn found Paul, and I found George scattering around, for food probably, and then I finally found him. People turned as I made my way to him and the only thing I did was smile, John held out his hand and we began to dance.

John: you look gorgeous!

Mallory: (Giggles) really?

John smiles and blushes as we dance slowly, I turn over and I see Maureen and Ringo dancing, George and Pattie..if only we were still friends. John pulls back and he lifts my chin up, I looked into his eyes and before you know it, we kissed! I laid my head on his shoulder, so this is what love feels like..

A few hours seemed like 5 minutes, it was time to go but John didn't want the night to end yet so we left together.

John: I had a wonderful night luv

Mallory: (smiles) so did I

He holds my hand and he takes me to an alley..

Mallory: what are we doing here?

John: can't I just be with my girl?

Mallory: you can but somewhere romantic would be nice...I'm kidding

He pulls closer to me and kisses me, the way I've never been kissed before, then his hands start traveling all over my body, I became so lost I didn't know what to do, is this really happening?

* I know I ask a bunch of times and I apologize! Please comment what you think of this story or "vote" if you like it, thanks so much if you're reading* Peace and love!

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