Chapter 16

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I looked at the beer bottle and Ringo once more, I twisted the cap. I quickly placed the bitter drink on my lips and allowed myself to finish the bottle within seconds.

"I thought you didn't want it"

Mallory: shut up

Pattie: are you drinking?

Mallory: just one bottle

Maureen: are you okay?

I nodded but I was lying, of course I'm not okay! I'm trying to not have these deep feelings for Ringo but I think it got worse...The song ended and witnessed them jumping off the stage, the boys were headed into our direction.

George ran up to pattie, picking her up and kissing her, John and Paul didn't bother to say a word, me and mo were alone but I felt devastated when Rings gave mo a hug. I heard them whisper I love you and sneak kisses on the cheek. I looked down at the bottle and Rory took my hand, taking me out of the group to backstage.

Rory: sucks to be single ey?

Mallory: Big time

Rory: 'ow is a pretty gurl like ye single?

Mallory: me pretty? (Chuckles) ye must be drunk as well

Rory: I'm sober for now, just saw a gurl in the crowd and needed to talk to her first

Mallory: yer very sweet

Rory continued to stare at me and finally found the guts to look into his eyes, next moment he closed them to give me a kiss....

What's going on right now!?

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