George's POV

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George: Ringo, are ye ready?

Ringo rushes his way downstairs and we left the house, picking Maureen up and heading to school. We walk into the gym where prom is placed and it's alright.

Maureen: it's quite decent in here..

Ringo: very lovely actually

I look around and there's not one sight of food, or appetizers!

George: there's no food yet!

Maureen: George, there's so many things going on, pattie is coming and your main concern is the food?

George: pretty much...

I wander off looking for the food table and I became disappointed when I couldn't find one. I saw someone I knew, Pete, and I went up to him.

George: Ello Pete! Do ye mind if I ask ye somethin?

Pete: yes George?

George: do ye know where the food is?

Pete: no clue, they should be serving any minute

I wander off again, and a few minutes later, while the Lettermen comes on, I found my love..the waiter holding a whole tray with pasta, coca cola, garlic bread, I follow the man. I watch him place it out, after he finished, I began to fill my plate. I come back with pride to Ringo and Maureen.

Maureen: found the food?

George: (stuffs face) yes!

Pattie: hey George!

George: huh?

Pattie: wanna dance?

I swallow my food and Maureen takes my plate.

Maureen: he would love too

Pattie grabs my hand and takes me to the dance floor. No one may be seeing my tears but on the inside, I'm crying for my plate...

*im sorry I had to write this! Thanks for reading!, please comment what you think :)*

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