Chapter 15

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I had finished all of my homework, my parents went out to dinner, I was alone this Friday night, But quite surprised the telephone rang at 7:30 p.m.

Mallory: Hello?

"Hey Mal, it's me Maureen.."

Mallory: oh, hey Mo

Maureen: I know you're surprised I'm calling

Mallory: A little bit, what's going on?

Maureen: George is having a concert tonight so pattie invited me and you to go

Mallory: she wants us to go?

Maureen: yeah, let's put aside all the stuff that's happened and hang out like old times

Mallory: that sounds grad

Maureen: great! We'll be there soon

I hung up the phone and went towards the closet, pulling out a simple dress. After putting it on, I let my hair down, put on some lipstick and took one last glance at the mirror before hearing the honk. I ran outside and jumped into the backseat of the car.

Maureen: Hey

Mallory: Hi

Pattie: we're ready?

Mallory: yup

We started to drive and finally arrived within minutes. It was at a small club, very crowded but worth it seeing a live band.

"Want a drink luv?"

Mallory: excuse me? I'm only 17

The man chuckled as he handed me the drink, I placed it down and noticed George walk out with his guitar, but then I notice John. As awkward as this was, I didn't let it get to me and I started to cheer. The music sounded so good, we started to dance, laugh and singing along, my eyes looked at each member, I had them set on the drummer in the back, I've never seen a man look so good until I realized who the drummer was....

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