Chapter 1

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Hey everyone, so I decided that I should try to write another story, this one is Narry, if you haven't already figured that out. So, um, yea. 

Enjoy xx


Harry's Pov

I scroll through twitter, periodically taking a small bite out of the blueberry muffin in front of me. I smile and follow a few fans, but that smile soon disappears when I hear a familiar thumping on the stairs just outside the kitchen. I automatically know who it is. 

"Morning Niall." I don't even look up from my phone when the Irish boy stumbles in. 

"Mhm." He hums, knocking into the kitchen counter and cursing at it like it was the counter's fault. I glance up at him as he walks out of the room with a glass of water and some painkillers. For his hangover, undoubtedly. 

His appearance still shocks me, to be honest. His once blank skin is now a full canvas, colored with miscellaneous tattoos from countless drunk nights. Nights where the rest of us were at home worried sick about him while he partied to his heart's desire. Piercings litter his face, it's just a bunch of metal in some of the least tasteful places. And that's just the exterior. His personality and values have changed as well, and not necessarily in a good way. 

"Come on, said you had fun last night. And that I was great...I can do that again, I promise! I'll do whatever you want babe, just please don't kick me out. Give me a chance!" I scoff. It's like this every morning. Niall brings home a girl the night before, sleeps with her, then throws her out like she's trash, without so much as a goodbye. I think I understand why they keep coming back though. They think that the old Niall is still there, the one that's capable of love, and that they might be the one to bring him back. 

Nobody knows where the old Niall went. He just kind of disappeared in a period of a couple days. One night, a few months ago, he just came home and holed himself up in his room, not speaking to anyone. That lasted for a few days, despite our desperate attempts to coax him out. When he had stepped out though, we had all been so relieved. But the relief was temporary. He went from not speaking, to a violent anger, which all surprised us, because we didn't know that our innocent Niall was capable of doing that. We tried to help him, but he shoved us away, and it in turn started to tear the band apart. 

Then he turned to drinking heavily. He would come home pissed drunk, barely able to walk on his own. Most of the time we got calls from bartenders saying that he had passed out and that we needed to come and get him. 

But it didn't stop there. He started to get random, pointless tattoos, most of the time when he was drunk. It went from small ones to full sleeves, until there wasn't any evidence of the clear, pale skin that was Niall's. 

But I think what surprised us the most was when he brought his first girl home. He had always bragged that he was a virgin and was going to stay that way until marriage, so when we heard moaning and screaming that night, we were completely surprised. Even more so when he just kicked her out the next morning, before finding another later that night. 

We've tried so many times to get Niall to open up to us, but it doesn't seem to work. He just lashes out at us, not accepting the help that we think he needs. We're almost out of options, and management is starting to lose patience as well. 

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