Chapter 18

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Hii everyone :)

I love rainy weather :)))))

Enjoy xx


Niall's Pov

"So what are the plans for today?" I ask as I clear the dishes, taking them to the sink to be washed. To be honest, I'm still quite surprised at how quickly they accepted my sudden friendliness, considering the fact that I was rude to them for so long. I don't understand it. I can't believe just how lucky I am to have them.

"Um, well, I know we haven't done much in the past few days that we've been here, and now that you've joined us Niall, I thought that we could go to a lake that I saw the other day while walking around. We could set up a picnic, go swimming, and just hang out." Liam and the rest of the boys look at me, like they're asking for my permission.

Reluctantly, I nod. I watch as all our their faces light up with shock and happiness. Regret fills me yet again for actually shutting out these four people I call my best friends. 

I excuse myself to go get ready, and walk to my bedroom, running a hand through my hair. When I open the door, I sigh and fall onto my bed, burying my face into the pillow. 

I've made so many mistakes, and with each one, the guilt gets closer and closer to crushing me. First, hurting Harry, then realizing just how much I hurt the other boys, it's just so many things that I've done wrong, and they keep piling on with every minute. It'll take a long time to make up for all of it, so I have to start now. And I'm greedily taking advantage of the kindness that the boys are showing me, though I don't deserve it.

"Niall?" I hear a soft voice at the doorway, Harry, and without lifting my head, I nod, letting him know that I can hear him. "Hey, you okay?" I can hear his voice coming closer, and I frantically nod into the pillow again, trying to signal that I want to be left alone. I'm pretty sure that he got the hint, because he doesn't say anything for a while. 

I can hear scuffling, and guess that he's probably looking for his swimming trunks and some other stuff. 

Once I hear him leave the room, I lift my head from the pillow and sit up, rubbing my face tiredly. Honestly, I don't want to go with the boys to the lake, but I will if it means that it'll take me one step closer to forgiveness. Who knows, maybe I'll end up enjoying myself. Probably not. 

I rummage around in my suitcase, which still contains all the more colorful clothes that I didn't pack, until I find a pair of blue swim trunks that aren't that bad. I pull them on and grab a few other things before walking to the living room where the rest of the boys are gathered. 

They're all in a circle whispering to themselves, but when I walk in, their conversation immediately stops and they look up at me. Liam and Louis smile like nothing every happened, but Zayn doesn't even bother with that. He knows that I know that they were talking about me, so what's the point of hiding it? And Harry. He doesn't smile, or look at me at all. He just stares at the ground, refusing to make eye contact with me. A sudden wave of panic washes over me. What if he told them about what happened yesterday? So much happened, and if he were to tell them any of it, I'd be screwed. They're overly protective over Harry, and if they knew all the terrible things I've done to him, they'd freak the fuck out. Or even if he told them about my self-harm, they'd take it a lot worse than he did, which was surprisingly calmly. 

Harry must have sensed my panic, because as each of the boys started to file out of the front door, he stayed behind to talk to me.

"Don't worry, I didn't tell them anything. Sure, they asked a ton of questions about what happened yesterday to result in your mood change, but I just said that it wasn't my story to tell. So they might question you about it, but I'm sure you'll be able to handle it." I look into his deep green eyes and see that he's telling the truth. He didn't tell them anything. The relief is so strong that I want to hug him. I don't. 

"But why wouldn't you tell them? I've been terrible to you. I don't deserve your kindness." He shrugs. 

"I'm sure you have your reasons for all of that, and I'm not going to pressure you to tell me, nor will I tell the boys anything without your permission." My heart swells and my love for him grows stronger, if that's even possible. How could someone be so understanding after all that I've put him through?

"Thank you." I smile softly at him, and he smiles back before we walk out the door, following the others down the path where they're waiting for us. 


"Here it is!" Liam does a big gesture to show that we have arrived at our destination. 

Our destination is a large lake surrounded by trees with a small area covered in sand, just for sitting if you don't want to swim. The sun reflects off of the water, making it sparkle, and I've got to admit that it's beautiful. The water looks inviting, especially because the weather is scorching hot. 

"Well, what are you all waiting for? Let's go!" Louis runs towards the water, throwing off his shirt and shoes as he does so. Harry laughs and follows him. 

I walk toward the small beach and lay down a towel, laying down on it and putting on my sunglasses, closing my eyes.

"Aren't you going to take off your shirt?" I hear footsteps, and can automatically tell by his voice that it's Zayn. 

"No." I answer simply. 

"Why not? It's hot outside, and if you're not going to swim, you should at least allow yourself some relief from the sun." I hear him lay down beside me. 

"No thanks. I'm good." I'm trying to be polite, but I'm still upset about that fight we had the other day. Sure, he was just trying to help, but it's ridiculous how easily he cracked my walls. 

"Fine by me." We stay in silence for a while, not saying anything. I can hear the sound of the other three boys splashing and laughing in the water, and almost wish that I could will myself to join them. 

The next few hours pass by like that, and I eventually fall asleep under the sun. 


Boring chapter, I know. Sorry. 

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