Chapter 24

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It's been so long since my last update! I'm sorry >.<

And 12k reads?????????????????????????? wowowowow tysm!!

Also, I'm grounded from my laptop atm, so I had to write this on my iPad. So I apologize for any mistakes.

Enjoy xx


Harry Pov

He jumps, startled out of his thoughts by the feeling of my arms wrapping around his torso. When he relaxes into my embrace, I smile and nuzzle my nose into the crook of his neck. "What's on your mind, babe?" I ask while kissing the soft skin of his neck slowly, waiting for his response. He looks around the room with a small smile gracing his lips, his eyes thoughtful and electrifying.

"We made a lot of memories in this room, both good and bad. But they all led us to where we are today, cheesy as that sounds. Imagine if I had to share a room with Louis instead." We both chuckle lightly, before falling into a lapse of silence, not uncomfortable in the least.

After several pleasant minutes of this, I hesitantly unwrap my arms from his torso and pick up both of our neglected bags, slinging them over my shoulder. Niall starts to protest, but I just wave him off and gesture that we should get going. We walk down the hall together, keeping the space between us friendly, so as not to arouse any of the other boys' suspicion. We have a couple of reasons for why we aren't telling any of them yet. One, it's only been a few days. Niall and I want to make sure this relationship will last before we let anyone know. Secondly, we need to be extremely cautious about this, so that the media doesn't find out. And even though the others are like brothers to us, it's easier to keep a secret between two people rather than five.

The two of us wave at Paul when we pass him, who seems surprised that Niall even acknowledged his existence. I see a brief flash of guilt in Niall's eyes before it's gone, buried behind that wall he constantly has protecting his emotions. He still doesn't trust even me fully, much less anyone else. I don't blame him though. I would be the same way if the roles were reversed.

We both climb into the waiting van where the others are, sitting in the clear back where the attention won't be directed at us. Each of us is handed our phones, which are all eagerly turned on, except Niall's. I notice how he doesn't even give it a second glance before he silently puts it in his pocket, turning instead to the window. After texting my family and friends a simple 'hello' , I do the same, facing the window on my side.

As the landscape rushes by, I let my mind wander, thinking about how much has happened in just the frame of a few days.

After the day at the lake, things weren't all rainbows and butterflies. No, if anything, there were more dark spots than bright ones. The only difference was that we both had someone to hold when the dark became too consuming. We could clutch onto each other instead of our blankets, cry into a lended shoulder when the guilt became too much, or talk when the memories were too vivid. Movies and books are always trying to push the notion on us that if we find the right person, all the nightmares will go away, and everyone will be happy again. But that's not the case. In reality, there's still much to sort through, and dark sides that don't heal instantly. But I will fight these inner demons with Niall, without an ounce of regret. Because, in a way, I played a part in putting them there, even if I didn't realize it at the time. But I'm not guilt or pity driven. Not at all. I truly care about Niall, and want to help him heal, though it'll be a long road to recovery.

And the fact that his attacker is still out there doesn't exactly help our case either. Somehow we'll have to convince management to up the security without giving too much away. Because even if Niall were comfortable with talking about it, which he's not, he would never tell management, because we have no idea what they would do with that information.

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