Chapter 22

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For some reason Wattpad is saying that my last chapter is now rated R????

I lost a lot of readers because of that. I think. Or you guys just don't really like me. That's okay. The people who read this all get bacon so ha. 

Sorry if this chapter sucks, I haven't had much inspiration.

Enjoy xx


Harry's Pov

I was really surprised when Niall told me to meet him at the beach tonight so that he can tell me everything. I hadn't been expecting it, and he didn't look like he had either, because as soon as the words flew out of his mouth, he sprinted out of the room, leaving me all alone. But before he had left, I had gotten a quick glimpse of his expression. And it worried me. He looked panicked, and it wasn't hard to figure out that he didn't think he was ready to tell me. Guilt surged up inside of me for practically forcing him to tell me his biggest secret, but I pushed it down, curiousity replacing it. It's not all curiousity though, because I genuinely want to help him, if he'll let me. Besides, it can't be that bad, can it?

But it had to have been, because Niall changed completely from just that one event. Ugh. I don't know what could possibly be so terrible that it could make Niall turn cold. But if it's as bad as he's made it out to be, I should give him more time to collect himself before telling me. Actually, no. That's bullshit. It's been at least seven months, I think he's had enough time to collect himself by now. But I also have only just started talking to him recently, so his trust for me can't be that high. 

I sit there for an hour, battling with myself internally about whether or not I should actually go on with it, before I decide to meet him, because my urge to help him overpowers my fear of the unknown. I think that I am scared to find out what exactly cracked Niall, who had always been the strongest person I know. 

I don't know when Niall wanted to meet me, so I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling thinking until the sun starts to set. It's then that I change into a a new pair of clothes and walk slowly downstairs, where the other boys, except Niall, are watching a movie. I wave a quick goodbye to them without much of an explanation and start my half hour trek to the lake that we seem to have claimed.  

 I let my mind wander the entire walk, not knowing what's in store for me when I arrive to the small beach. No matter what it is that he has to tell me, I'll support him, that's one thing that I'm sure of. Hell, I'm probably just overreacting. It can't be that bad. I keep telling myself this. I really am preparing for the worst. 

When I do reach the small beach, the sun has already set and the moon is showing enough light to shadow everything, and enough for me to not trip on anything. I can see Niall's hunched figure near the water, close enough to dip his feet in if he wanted to. But as far as I can see, he's just staring at it. 

I make my way over to him, my feet sinking in the sand. It's actually very nice out, I realize, as I walk over to Niall, who still hasn't noticed my presence. It's slightly cool, with a slight breeze, but nothing that really requires a jacket. It feels refreshing, and calms my nerves slightly.

With a deep breath, I sit myself down next to Niall, who looks over at me, his pupils dilated in fear. I can see that he's shaking, and his hair is soaked with sweat, though the temperature isn't that high. He's had a few hours to prepare himself, yet he's still nervous as hell. It makes me nervous as well.

"Hey." I say softly, hoping not to make him upset. Then again, I don't want it to sound like I'm talking to him like he's a child or a wounded animal. That would make him defensive, and it's rude. I need to talk to him as normally as I can, which is still awkward to be honest.

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