Chapter 23

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I had writer's block sorry >.<

This chapter ended up being a mess, so I apologize if your eyes fall out. 

Enjoy xx


Niall's Pov 

"Niall?" It had been silent for a while, both of us thinking. Our legs are cramped, and our faces are tear stained, but neither of us acknowledge any of it, too caught up in our thoughts to really care. Harry's voice was scratchy from lack of use and emotion, and it made me want to cry again for being the cause of it.

"Yes?" My voice was just as bad as his, and it hurt.

"Do you really believe that our happiness is screwed?" My heart constricts, because yes, I do. We could never risk a relationship, because someone would quite definitely find out, leading to the media demanding answers, and once it's out in the press, we're done for. 

"I'll be honest with you. Yes, I think our happiness is screwed. I don't know what you imagine when you think about being in a relationship with me, but I imagine holding your hand and walking along a small beach, or quickly pecking you on the cheek when you mess up in an interview, shit, I'd love if we could just go out for ice cream without the press having their suspicions. We would have to hide all the time, only showing our affection for each other behind closed doors. That would be enough for a while, but we would start to get restless, and then the fighting would begin. It's all fucked up, Harry, I know, but I have to protect you. And I would do anything just to know that you're safe." He had started to tear up again, and I curse at myself, because honestly, I hadn't meant to make him cry. 

"You're right. You're right, and I know it." He runs his hands through his hair agitatedly, the tears starting to fall again. "This is just so fucked up, I just-" He breaks off, biting his lip to keep his frustration back. 

"Just what, Harry?" 

"Sometimes I just wonder what it would have been like if we weren't in the band. Sure, I love singing, and we owe everything to our fans, but sometimes it can be overwhelming. Like now." He covers his mouth. "Oh my god, Niall, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be complaining, oh god, I'm an idiot." He thinks for a moment. "But it hurts for me too, you know? To see you in pain all of the time kills me, and I want so badly to give you the happiness that you deserve. But the problem is that our happiness comes at a price. An unknown price, but a high one nonetheless. It's frustrating and scary, but I would gladly pay it if it meant that you would be mine." This is going in a completely different direction than it should be. I'm supposed to be persuading him that this isn't a good idea, but somehow he's making me blind to that. I can't let myself give in, because of my fear of the consequences. 

"Harry. I don't think you understand just how serious this situation is."

"Oh, I understand just fine. I could be risking my life here for all I know, but I'd rather die content than with empty arms." His words strike through my heart like a knife, making my resolve die quickly. 

"Harry, I.."

He sighs. "I get it Ni. You want to protect me. But you can't just keep me safe from everything. Why not be happy while we can?" His argument is unsettling, like he's sure that something bad is going to happen, but he just doesn't care. 

I open my mouth to argue with him, then close it, knowing that he's stubborn as hell. I want so badly to give in, but that would be selfish. I'll have to fight to my grave on this one, though he is making good points.

"Harry. No. I don't want you to get hurt." My argument is getting weaker and weaker, but I have to fight until my walls are down, or until I can hopefully recharge. 

He makes a frustrated noise and stands up, starting to pace the small beach. "Niall, how many times do I have to tell you that it would all be completely worth it? I don't care if I were to die tomorrow, as long as I were to have you for today!" My own frustration begins to build.

"I would love that too, Harry, trust me I would, but the guilt would eat me alive if something bad were to happen to you, and I just can't risk it. I'm sorry." 

Harry runs over to me and envelops my small and cold hands with his large and warm ones. "But isn't life made to take risks? You can't live your life in fear, Niall! Something could happen, yes, but there's also a chance that we could be happy! Don't you want that for both me, and yourself?" His eyes are vibrant, his hair a mess. He's never looked more beautiful.

There's not much fight left in me. He's going to get his way, and he knows it. But I have to try one last time.

"Harry-" He grabs my cheeks roughly, pulling my face towards his. In a split second, I see his clear green eyes, with a fire burning behind them, before I'm startled by something soft on my lips. I gasp in surprise and freeze right away. I stand there, frozen, until I get nudged by Harry. It's then that I really realize that I'm actually kissing Harry, and it's not a dream. I start to react, and move my lips against his, savoring how sweet and minty his mouth is. The kiss doesn't get heated, but instead stays slow and passionate, both of us showing the other how much we care. Our lips move in perfect synchronization, and fit together like puzzle pieces, unlike any other girl I've ever kissed. 

Harry is the first to pull away, slightly panting with a huge smile stretched across his face. 

"Let me try this again, Niall." I nod, still dazed from our kiss. "Will you be my boyfriend?" 

My euphoria dies down immediately. It's still there, to fight in my internal argument, and it's making a lot of good points. Harry quite obviously did that because he knew it would win me over. He knew that the last piece of resistance would come crumbling down with just his touch, let alone his kiss. Maybe he's right. Maybe we should try living in the moment, and worry about the rest later. It doesn't seem like good logic, and it probably isn't, but by now I'm already itching to have Harry's lips on mine again, to be able to kiss him without hesitation. There's a small voice in the back of my mind still screaming at me to grow the fuck up and look at the consequences, but my heart (and my hormones) have taken over. This battle was long over, before I even knew it was. It's plain fact. Harry and I couldn't stay apart, even if we tried. It would wreck us more than being closeted would. Suddenly possibilities come flying at me that I never once considered before. We could up the security. We could hunt down the guy. Hell, Harry and I can keep a secret. I can still keep Harry safe while being happy. My mind has opened up to all of this, which propels me to give Harry his answer.

I look into the eyes of the man that I have loved for a while now, and it's all clear to me. We can make this work. We're stronger in groups of two. There's no need to be alone anymore. I press my lips to his smiling ones, giving him a brief, yet passionate kiss. When I pull away, I whisper one word to him. 



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