Chapter 2

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My friends seemed to like the idea for the story, so I'll continue for now.

Enjoy xx


Harry's Pov

Liam walks into the living room where all of us, except Niall of course, were sitting and watching The Notebook. 

"Boys, there's an interview tomorrow at 9. Paul's gonna pick us up at 8:30, so be ready." We all groan. There is no way in hell that Niall will be ready by then, and even if we could get him out of his room, he'd just be an ass anyways. Honestly, he's starting to tear us all apart. He used to be the one who made everyone laugh when they wanted to cry, or broke up fights, but now that he's causing fights and tears, we're all holding on to the band by a thread. And I think that management is starting to notice too. Took them a while. Niall's been pretty obvious about it. He still sings, and even though he's rude to the fans at times, he can still be sweet and almost back to who he used to be. Those are the best days for us. His mood effects us all more than we had thought.

"I know, but Niall-" Someone appears in the doorway. Niall himself. Looking around, I notice that the boys all wore surprised expressions. We had all thought that he had gone out tonight. 

"What about me?" His icy blue eyes bore into Liam's. Liam takes a step back, intimidated by the small lad. He may be lanky, but he can be scary at times. Like now. He's shirtless and in sweatpants, with a beer in his hand. His hair is all over the place, and it looks like he hasn't shaved in days. His glare could shoot daggers, and we hadn't even done anything. 

"I-I well, we were just saying that there's an interview tomorrow, and that you are going to come whether you want to or not." Even though his words seemed confident, Liam had almost shrunk against the wall, and he looked scared. Which doesn't look right on his tough guy exterior. We all hold our breath, waiting for what Niall had to say. 

He scoffs. "I'm not going to that damn interview. It's pointless. So just fuck off." That's the fourth time he's said that today. It's his favorite phrase now. 

He storms out of the room, probably to get another beer, and I feel the urge to yell something back at him, but I don't because nobody backtalks to Niall Horan. Not anymore. 

Liam runs a hand through his short hair and sighs in both relief and frustration. "What am I supposed to tell Simon? This will be the third interview in a row that we've canceled!" He starts pacing the room frantically, trying to think of a solution. The rest of us just sit there, silent. Simon will be furious. He's already getting tired of Niall's behavior, and it wasn't going to be long before he started getting mad. Which was never good. I didn't know which was worse, Simon's rage, or Niall's. 

Zayn was the first one to act. He pulled out his phone and dialed Simon's number. Liam looked relieved because he didn't have to tell Simon, even though he usually did. I think this was all starting to take a toll on him. 

"Hello? Hi, Simon. Yeah, more Niall problems. I know, but there isn't anything we can do about it. He's refusing to go tomorrow." Zayn paused, listening to what Simon was saying. Suddenly he cringed, and I'm guessing that Simon is probably yelling at him. "Yes, okay. Yes, I'll tell them. Okay. Bye." Zayn sets the phone down and puts his head in his hands. We sit there for a while, watching him. Eventually, he lifts his head and looks at us with a worn and tired expression.

"Meeting tomorrow with management and Simon instead of that interview. And by the tone of his voice, it's not going to be pleasant." 

We don't say anything. We're all in our own little worlds, thinking about what kind of hell was to come tomorrow. 

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