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Okay, I know that I said last chapter that there would be a sequel, but I changed my mind on that and decided that it would be better to end it with a nice little epilogue.

There'll obviously be a heartfelt author's note at the end, so stick around maybe?

Enjoy xx


Harry's Pov

"This next question is for Niall." He nodded, knowing what was coming. We all did, as it was the same at every interview. "Can you explain that little dark spot you had a few months back for all of us?"

Usually at this point one of us was quick to answer, changing the topic before any damage could be done. But Niall was ready.

After months of recovery and secret rehab, Niall felt confident enough to open up to the rest of the band, his confession shocking all three of them. But after their initial self-resentment, they opened their arms to him, as a family should. I think that Niall was a bit surprised at how supportive they were, but I wasn't. I knew that we would stick together and get through all of it as brothers.

It took even more time after that for Niall to want to share it publicly. We were against it, and told him that it would be safer to keep it a secret, but it was his decision, and he didn't want to be silent about it. He wanted to use it to help others who went through the same thing as him.

We all knew that management would never agree to let him say anything about it, so he hasn't even told them about it yet. They would be just as surprised as the rest of the world. But he did tell a few of our closer security guards, because as soon as this announcement was made, they would have to lock both him and me in a secure room, in case the threat that was made so long ago was carried out. That was what made Niall hesitate the most. He was afraid that what the man had said to him would be true, and he would come after me next. But we eventually convinced him that we have the best security, and the police would be on that guy immediately after the interview.

The interviewer, a nice lady with long brown hair and kind brown eyes, was expecting us to defend Niall immediately, but seemed surprised when we all looked at him instead, silently encouraging him. And when he opened his mouth, we could see the live audience around us all suck in a breath, excited to finally hear what happened to their beloved band member. 

Niall's voice is shaky but strong when he decides to start. "Almost a year ago, something very life-altering happened to me." He starts to play with his hands nervously, watching them instead of the camera. I can see management making vigorous hand signals directed at him to stop, but he either doesn't notice, or doesn't care. "I was.. sexually assaulted after our last concert of the tour last year." 

The crowd is up and out of their seats in an instant. We can hear screams and crying from all around the room, and our interviewer looks lost for words. We all look at the ground, avoiding the question of 'why?' echoing throughout the building. I know our management is probably getting ready to wring our necks, but honestly, that's the least of our problems. 

Niall is still staring at his hands, not daring to look at anyone in fear that he might break down. His wringing hands are now shaking, and I can see beads of sweat collecting all over his forehead. All I want is to take one of his shaking hands in mine to help calm him down, but it isn't time for that yet. 

Several minutes later, and the crowd has finally quieted down enough for Niall to continue, though we can still hear many girls crying in their seats. 

With a shaky breath, Niall starts to talk again. "I'm not going to go too much into any of it, because honestly, a lot of it is still dark territory for me, but I will say a few more things. I had closed down after what had happened, and I'm sure that all of you noticed. I want to give you the biggest apology, because I never should have taken any of my pain out on the fans. I also want to thank you all for still accepting me as I got better. It took many months before I was able to start opening up about it, and even then, I was a pain in the ass to be around. But these boys are getting me through it, though I have to especially thank Harry for his tremendous support." At this, Niall reaches for my hand and grips onto it with all that he has. And I squeeze just as tightly back. It doesn't matter if anyone notices, or makes assumptions, because Niall really needs this right now. Coming out is for another day, this is already too much stress to put on him. 

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