Chapter 20

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Lalalala this chapter is probably shit

Enjoy xx


Niall's Pov

"Niall..turn around." The small amount of joy that I had been feeling vanished, dread replacing it. But I obeyed, and slowly swiveled around to face Harry.

His expression wasn't one of shock or surprise, but more so disappointment. It makes guilt crash into me like a wave for ever making him go through all this shit.

He puts his face in his hands for a moment before climbing out of his bed in just his boxers, and making his way over to me, avoiding glass shards. This reminds me tremendously of just a little over a week ago, when I was in nearly the same situation. Thinking about it only makes me feel worse.

By the time he reaches me, I'm still frozen in place with my arm slightly outstretched, and blood dripping down onto the carpet. Without saying anything, he takes my unaffected arm and leads me to the bathroom with a loose grip. I just let him take me, though I can feel the tension swimming in the air around us.

I sit down on the lid of the toilet seat and stare down at the floor while Harry gets the first-aid kit, along with a damp washcloth. He kneels down in front of me and lightly takes my arm, examining it to see if there are any serious wounds. When he seems satisfied, he begins taking out each glass shard. I try my hardest not to wince, because it would just make it harder for him, and he's already doing so much, so it's the least that I can do.

Once he's finished, he cleans off the still bleeding cuts and wraps it in gauze before putting the first aid kit away. The entire process, which took about a half hour, was silent, him too upset, and me too scared to say something.

He gets to the doorway before I finally speak up. "Hey, Harry?" He turns, his eyes dull and tired. "Thank you."

He sighs and rubs his face several times with his hands. "Try and get some sleep, Niall." And with that he walks out of the room, leaving me choking with guilt. If I had just found some self-control, Harry wouldn't be so disappointed in me right now.

Stupid, stupid Niall.

With a sigh, I get up from the toilet seat and walk out of the bathroom, my injured arm hanging uselessly at my side. When I get to the bedroom, I see that Harry isn't in his bed. A strike of panic bursts in my chest and I run to the door, wanting to find him immediately. But then I realize that I'm probably the last person he wants to see right now, and I walk back to my bed almost dejectedly. With a heavy sigh, I crawl under the covers and stare at the ceiling until morning.


Sometime between 4 and 6 in the morning, I must have fallen asleep because when I next open my eyes, the sun is shining bright through open curtains, and all the glass shards from last night are gone. I get up and stretch, ignoring the flash of pain that runs down my forearm at the slight movement.

I pull on some shorts and walk down the hall, towards the kitchen. All the boys are in there, chatting lightly while eating pancakes and eggs. Harry is the only silent one, and he just stares at his plate, not eating anything. Louis keeps sending him worried glances, and I'm guessing that Harry spent the night with him. He didn't tell him anything though..right?

"Morning Niall." Liam looks says, smiling pleasantly. I hum in response and sit at the only seat available, the one across from Harry. The other two boys chorus a 'good morning' as well, but Harry keeps his eyes glued onto his plate, determined to avoid looking at me. It goes on like this for the rest of breakfast, the rest of the boys slowly stopping their conversation, until the only sound is silverware clinking against plates.

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