~Chapter 1~

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The Great Hall welcomed the students, including myself, with a warm and inviting glow. The floating candles and brilliant night sky draw our eyes up as we enter, before settling them back down to meet four long tables, with one at the back stretching across the room, lined with seats.

Finally, I'm here.

It took a lot, and I mean a lot, of asking for them to allow me to become a student. I've lived here all my life, and learned here too. Just not with other kids in the school. I don't have any friends my age. Around these parts, I'm known as McGonagall's daughter, raised by the teachers here in Hogwarts, and keeping up with my year from outside the classroom. My brother, the infamous Harry Potter, doesn't even know I exist. Our scars, his on his forehead, and mine on the palm of my hand, remind me that we are related. I was placed in Gryffindor with him, because of Minerva being my guardian, since it was easier than sorting me. Most likely, I'd be sorted into Gryffindor anyway.

As students from all houses start to flow through the doors, I sit myself down on the Gryffindor table, far enough away from the others so I didn't seem intrusive, but close enough so I don't look like a loner. I put my chin in hand and glance around at who has entered. The Weasley Twins sit two meters to my right and seem to be talking about a business venture. My black hair falls around my face, blocking the view. It is wavy, like my fathers. I have my mothers eyes, and if it weren't for the colour of my hair, I'd look exactly like her. A hand touches my shoulder, and I spin around to meet two brown eyes, surrounded by messy ginger-brown hair - Hermione Granger.

"Hello. May we sit here?"

I look behind her and see two boys. One, with messy red hair and an impatient expression - Ron Weasley, and the other... He has black messy hair, and my eyes stare back at me. With his scar peeking out from behind his hair, I recognise him. Harry Potter.

"Oh. Um, sure..." I shuffle over slightly, and someone sits down beside me. I don't look up to see who. I can feel it. Harry sits on my side, while Ron and Hermione walk around and sit opposite us. I wriggle in my seat, trying my hardest not to make eye contact.

"You're McGonagall's girl, righ-" I hear a thump, and a groan, "Hey! What was that for?"

"It's none of your business!" Hermione snaps.

"No, no. It's fine. I am" I say, nodding raising my head a little.

"Funny, you look nothing like her."

"RON!" another thump.

"I know, I'm not a close relation of hers. I think I'm a bit of a charity case." I answer, raising my head higher again. "She took me in anyways, so I shouldn't complain."

"Well I'm Hermione, this is Ron and-"

"Harry, er, Potter. I know."

"Nice to meet you, Clara." Harry pipes up, giving me a friendly smile. I smile and nod back.

The sorting ceremony begins, sending countless confused and hungry 11 year-olds to different tables. Dumbledore steps up to make his speech. I had seen other schools arrive earlier, and I was awaiting an explanation. Harry had asked me if I knew anything about it, but I don't. Not this time, I say. Dumbledore, who seems to be quite excited, steps up to the front of the hall. I listened, but only partially. It was the same speech every year after all- I could practically quote it. That was until he said something quite unexpected, and not just by me.

"It is also my painful duty to inform you that the inter-house Quidditch Cup will not be taking place this year."

The entire hall bursts into groans and gasps, and Harry beside me seems rather distraught, along with Ron. Dumbledore continues and announces an event taking place in October, but before he could name it, someone launched open the Great Halls doors. The room turns to face a hunched, dark figure who seems to be limping in some way. This was the thing I knew about, I turn to face Hermione, Ron, and Harry as the ceiling flashes with lightning. "Mad-eye moody, new defence against the dark arts teacher," I whisper, and they nod.

He has one normal-ish eye and one large beady one, strapped to his head. One of his legs is at least partially metal, and he has a walking stick. He is no way a cripple, and if he is, he wears it well. He seems to have some sort of presence, that, though you could outrun him, makes you scared at the thought of trying.

Dumbledore greets Moody, before returning to his post.

"As I was saying, we are to have the honour of hosting a very exciting event in the coming months, an event which has not been held in over a century. It is my very great pleasure to inform you that the Triwizard Tournament will be taking place at Hogwarts this year."

I gasp, for I knew what this meant. Fred and George recover from the loss of the Quidditch season, and Hermione stares at the boys wide-eyed. Ron seems to know what they're talking about, but Harry looks confused.

"Whats the Triwizard Tournament?"

"Well, it's-" I start, before Dumbledore continues.

He explained that the Triwizard Tournament occurred between three of the largest Wizarding schools in Europe; Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang. One champion is chosen to compete for each school in three tasks, all of which are dangerous, and need skill in order to succeed. The tournament continued until too many people - young people - had died. Hermione was rather taken aback by this. Dumbledore then clarified that you would need to be over seventeen to enter the tournament. Both Fred and George, among plenty of other underage students, were disappointed by this.

"Now," Dumbledore says, smiling down at us, "I would like you all to welcome the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons, and their wonderful headmistress, Madame Maxine."

Suddenly, through the hall doors comes a group of well-choreographed girls. Each wearing an elegant blue uniform which flatters their figures, and floats around them looking as light as air. Ron and Harry both look rather gobsmacked, whereas Hermione and I are not impressed or attracted. The girls are followed by what might be the largest woman I've ever seen. She even rivaled Hagrid! Once the girls have finished their parade, they sit down at the front of the hall on the empty seats at the end of our table.

Dumbledore then welcomes the men of Durmstrang, who enter, rather rambunctiously through the doors. They too, put on a show. Stomping staffs and marching, showing their strength. Hermione and I both are impressed, but I'm not attracted to that type of person. The type who focuses on strength, and right now it's all they were showing. The men were followed by their headmaster, Karkaroff, and none other than Victor Krum, the famous Hungarian seeker. Ron gasps, "Harry, that's Victor Krum!" and seems to shrink into his seat in awe.

Once all the students are settled, Dumbledore has a large, grand item brought to the front of the hall. I say 'item' because I couldn't tell what it was. It has a peculiar shape and was covered in beautiful patterns. Dumbledore calls us to attention, and silence falls over the room. He raises his hand, then slowly moves it downwards, and as he does so the item melts away to reveal a large goblet. Personally, the case was a bit big, but wizards like to make things grand, so I didn't say anything. Dumbledore then announces that anyone old enough to enter must place their name, written on a piece of parchment, into the goblet before next Thursday night, when the champions would be chosen.

We are dismissed and start making our way out of the hall. I fall back, slipping through the crowd, as I make my way to the Gryffindor common room.

"Hey! Clara, stick with me." Hermione says, grabbing my arm. She seems to appear out of nowhere.

"Oh, I know my way around fine. Don't worry about me."

"You won't escape that easily. Come on," She drags me up the stairs, and to the painting. After saying the password, she takes me inside. "This is the Gryffindor common room. I assume you haven't been in here." I shake my head. I wasn't supposed to enter the common rooms. Hermione introduces me to everyone, and then takes me upstairs. My bed is next to hers.

I lay down in my bed an hour after reaching the girls dorm. Hermione and Ginny had a lot of questions for me, and not a lot I could answer.

Maybe I can be friends with them, without giving away who I am.

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