~Chapter 10~

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McGonagals voice slices through the humming classroom like a knife, directed right at Harry and Ron. Hermione and I turned around to see the boys, frozen, with embarrassed looks on their faces. They had been having some sort of wand fight with fake wands the twins gave them and making a bit of a racket. I had been drawing in my book, and trying to keep quiet until the bell signalled the end of the day. Hermione taught me not to talk in McGonagals class unless requested too, even if class had practically finished- a lesson neither of the boys have learned. Harry and Ron settle back down into their seats, muttering to each other. 

"Now that Potter and Weasley have decided to act their age," She eyes the boys one last time, then resumes her usual state and place at the front of the classroom. "The Yule ball is approaching- a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity to socialise with our foreign guests. Now, the ball we be open to only fourth years and above - although you may invite a younger student if you wish. -" 

I glance at Hermione, who looks somewhere between excited and terrified. Her forehead is creased just slightly- like it is when she is deep in thought - but her mouth is curled into the slightest smile. Her eyes are fixed on her pile of organised books. I elbow her, bringing her out of her daze, and smile at her, raising my eyebrows in a way that asks her if she's excited. She smiles and gives me an uncertain shrug. 

"Dress robes will be worn," McGonagal continues, "and the ball will start at eight O'clock on Christmas day, finishing at midnight in the Great Hall. Now then-" She calls all of us to attention and glares meaningfully around the class, "The Yule Ball is a chance for us all to - er - let our hair down,"

This statement sends Lavinder Brown and Pavarti Patil into hysterics, though Professor McGonagal doesn't acknowledge it. 

"But that does NOT mean that we will be relaxing the standards of behaviour we expect of Hogwarts students. I will be most seriously displeased if a Gryffindor student embarrasses the school in any way."

The bell rings and the silent classroom buzzes as students murmur to each other and pull together their things while making their way out of the classroom. I flip my book closed, and pull my things into a messy pile, picking them up while Hermione watches, perfectly prepared. 

"Potters! Can I have a word?" Professor McGonagal asks as she sits dow at her desk. I place my books back onto the desk with a thump. Hermione whispers something about seeing me later in my ear, and I make my way up the front of the now empty classroom. Harry follows me up after exchanging a 'help me' look with Ron. 

"Yes, M-professor?" I ask tentatively. She smiles at me. 

"Now the Champions and their partners-"

"Partners?!" Harry exclaims, giving me a sideways glance, "What partners?"

"Your dance partners, of course, dummy. Go on, Professor."

"Dance partners..? Oh um-" He blushes,"I uh, I don't dance."

"Well, one of you will have to. One of you will enter with the other champions at the beginning of the ball for the first dance. Now off with the both of you!"

Harry and I scramble to get our books and exit the classroom as quickly as possible. We scuffle out the door and shut it behind us. A breath passes between us and we glance at each other. I know what's coming.

"Clara please I-"

"Harry no! I haven't even been a student a year! No one will want to-"

"I can't dance! I can barely hop without falling over!"

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