~Chapter 5~

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Harry hasn't said a word to me. Not one, since we were chosen. We sit at opposite ends of the sofa, we don't look at each other during meals, it's unbearable. I wish he'd look at me, let me apologise. I wish he didn't resent me like he does. We're not the only ones having issues, Harry and Ron 'broke up' or something along the lines of that. They weren't dating, obviously, but they have stopped talking to each other completely, and instead, glare at each other from across the room. Harry and I are both getting some crap from the other students about being chosen, too. It's suffocating.

We're sitting at breakfast. Harry, Hermione and me are sitting on one side on the table, Hermione in the middle. She is talking to both of us, but neither of us has said a word to each other. I won't meet his eyes, and he won't meet mine. People are murmuring behind our backs, nudging us and sending us glares. I feel my insides boiling up inside me, as the whispers start to seem louder. Hermione's talk fades into the noise in my head. I feel hot. I can't breathe. I have to get out of here, now. I stand up abruptly, "I'm going to get some air." I snap.

I storm out of the great hall, with multiple eyes on my back. I hear Harry say something, for the first time in days, but I don't know what. I ignore him and march outside, into the cool September morning air. My breath is like smoke, and I watch it dance around me as I walk. I go to a courtyard a bit away from the hall. It has a large, old fountain in the centre, which runs all through the year despite the temperature. This is the first marginally cold morning we've had in ages. I always liked the cold, it seems to make inside so much nicer. I sit myself down on the side of the fountain, ignoring the stares from the other students that are out here too. I close my eyes and breath through my nose. I'm shaking, but it soon subsides. I put my face in my hands, attempting to hide my tears. I look up, trying to blink the tears away when I hear a voice that seems to snarl at me.

"What are you doing out here, liar? Regretting putting your name in?"

I try and ignore him, balling my hands into fists.

"Hey, look at me when I'm talking to you!" He snaps, a few sniggers follow as he shoves my shoulder. I still don't look into his eyes. "You Potters girl, aren't ya?" He snarls 'You both are stinking cheats, and he's just a foul little git, and you're a-" Before I even know what I'm doing, I'm on my feet, my fist slammed into his cheek. He reels backwards, his friends smirk at me as he regains his balance. I try to ignore the sting in my hand and I stare him dead in the eye

"Never talk about Harry, or me, like that." I snarl.

"hoo hoo, look who's got her big girl shoes on today huh?" He steps towards me, I brace myself, glancing around to see in anyone is watching, but everyone is gone. "No one to help you now, missy." He growls, his hands finding my hips,

"Hey! Don't touch me!" He presses me against him, and I struggle "Let ME GO!"

His friends laugh and watch me struggle in his grip,

"No NO!" I scream

"Hey!" Harry shoves through the group. "Let her go. NOW!" He yells. The guy does, and I land in the freezing cold fountain. I squeal and shiver as the water soaks through my clothes, I fall my back, my head goes right under. I sit up, jumping to my feet as quickly as I can.

"Fu-Oh my-" I splutter, spitting water out of my mouth. The boys are laughing at me as the walk away. Harry watches them retreat, his back to me.

"Th-thank you, Harry," I whisper. Harry turns to me, and without a word, reaches his hands out me and helps me out of the fountain.

"It's fine, I-I'm sorry too. I shouldn't be being so rude to you, I'm sure you didn't want us to be strangers."

I'm standing, drenched, in front of my brother, who is saying the words I've wanted to hear him say for a very long time. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other awkwardly.

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