~Chapter 21~

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The sun shone into the dorm room, illuminating and spilling onto the red curtains and onto the wooden floor. The sun is rising earlier now- Summer fast approaches and its presence is now felt in every nook of Hogwarts. I like it. The fact my feet don't freeze off when I get out of bed is wonderful. It's early. The sun's rays, though bright, have the transparency early morning sun does. It sits somewhere in between moonlight and sunlight, and flickers and moves across my bedsheets. I should be asleep- I should be feeling that horrible ache you feel when you wake up early you can't quite make out the things in your room. My eyes should feel heavy and desperate for rest, but instead, the idea of going back to sleep seems like a nightmare. Energy pulses through my veins and I fidget and glance around the room. The sounds of breathing and the rustle of sheets seem so loud in the silence of the room. I can't stay here. The day has come.

I have hoped and prayed that just maybe, I could miss today. That I could skip over the unpleasantness to follow, taking the world with me. Sadly, though, I can't. The only positive thing to note that this - hopefully - will be the last time I ever will have to worry about the Tri-Wizard Tournament. I slip out of bed, glancing at Hermione who is sleeping soundly to my left. I get changed quickly into a pair of jeans and a simple woollen jumper, before tiptoeing out of the room and slowly closing the door behind me. I turn and run down the stairs into a quite common room. It looks quite empty, and not a sound can be heard except for my light footsteps and the crackling of the low-burning fires. I make my way over to one, clambering over the back of the large sofa hat faces it. I pull my knees to my chest, watching the coals crackle and smoulder, slowly dying down for the day. The red glow illuminates my face, warming me slightly even from this distance. I look up at the clock. It reads 6:15. Early. Very early.

"Oh, er, hello Clara I didn't think-"

I turn, sitting up so I can see over the back of the sofa. Harry stands, with messy hair and a slightly vacant and confused expression, at the bottom of the stairs. I smile at him

"Couldn't sleep either?"

"You couldn't sleep?" He exclaims, walking over to me, "Imagine how I feel!"

I roll my eyes, watching as he jumps over the back of the sofa and sits beside me.

"I know... I'm just worried about you." I say. He nods, glancing at me.

"You don't need to be, I'll be ok," He says, attempting to reassure me, though it sounds more like he was saying it for his benefit alone. "Come on- We're both awake, we might as well go for a walk and get some food,"

I nod, getting up and following him out of the common room.

We walk in silence for a while, enjoying each others company. When we're together, there's this weird sort of connection between us. Something like a little line of electricity. I felt it when he sat next to me on my first day. It's a strange feeling, to be so connected to another person. To feel what they feel, and to know them as little as we know each other. We've talked yes- But the talking has been rather sterile and simple. It's like we don't really realise we're related. Harry glances at me,

"You really care, don't you Clara? Despite you know- Not speaking to me for 14 years, you still care. How?"

"Because I know you're my brother. I've seen you at Hogwarts, I've heard Dumbledore talk about you- I just know you, Harry." I say,

"But I don't know you..." He stops, turning to face me. He looks worried, concerned- Like he doesn't know what comes next. "You really are my sister, aren't you Clara?" I nod, smiling at him. "Listen, I'm just not very good at this whole brother-sister thing. I don't know how to treat you, I don't know how to speak to you, let alone what to say. I've never had a family to talk to-"

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