Chapter 5- first kiss

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"Are we there yet" i moaned                                                                                                                                          "Stop asking that question we will be there soon" He moaned back                                                                 "Omg we have been driving fro about 2 hours and im tired and want to go sleep"                                          "Just.. just please shutup" He said calmly                                                     

And so i did, I have heard all of these bad things about Harry, how his and his gang are the baddest people in town and how they have no emotion for anyone but so far, i don't think its true, Harry has a good side and a bad side, sometimes he has both at the same time but needs to control it and maybe one day i might actually feel like i need him to be more than friends with me put the past week of knowing, no way!

"Pix we are here" Harry said as he helped me out of the car                                                                                "Thank god! i was starting to get car sick" I actually was                                                                                      

I looked at my watch and it was about 7. My jaw dropped when i saw the time, i was so angry! My mum will flip, i need to go home now!                                                                                                                                  "Harry i need to go home now, i didn't realise the time and my mum will-"                                                      "Pix calm down and sit here, im going to get us a drink, and your going to stay here" He said sitting me down and smiling                                                                                                                                     

I have been sitting for about 20 minutes and Harry still wasn't back with our drinks! He has probably ditched me and went home or hes outside somewhere fucking a random slut and then she will be like call me tomorrow and they will exchange numbers but because hes pissed he will gorget all about her the next day and then she will call him and he will loose his temper and lash out, yh that seems like Harry.

"Pixie is that you" a familior voice said as he walked towards me                                                                 "Um yh" I yelled because the music was so loud                                                                                              "Its me Ross, we met earlier today" He reminded me as he sat down next to me                                     "Ooh yh haha hey Ross, what brings you here" i asked him                                                                         "Just need a night out with my boys thats all, and you?"                                                                                 "Harry made me" i sighed                                                                                                                                      "Yh i know Harry he seems like a right bell end" He frowned                                                                         "Hes ok i guess" he was more than ok Harry was amazing                                                                           "So you ur wanna dance" he asked                                                                                                                     "Um i can't im waiting for Harry to come back"                                                                                                  "Oh ill just sit here and wait for him, a pretty girl like you shouldnt be left alone" Did he just flirt with me? Wow                                                                                                                                                                   "Aw thanks Ross" i blushed                                                                                                                                    "So um are you and harry a.."                                                                                                                                "Me and harry a couple.. no way" i laughed                                                                                                        "Ooh so are you not dating anyone" He said scootching closer to me                                                         "Nope! I'm single and ready to mingle" i laughed                                                                                            "Well thats good" he said holding my hand                                                                                                       I blushed at him and stared into his eyes, there so shiny and his smile was amazing, i realised he was leaning in for a kiss  but before we could kiss, he got pulled away from me                                      "What you doing Ross" Harry yelled as he placed our drinks on the table                                                  Ross threw his hands up in the air giving him the surrender sigh and walked off into the crowd.         I huffed                                                                                                                                                                      "What the hell! You hardly know him! he could be dangerous" Harry yelled                                               Hes so protective, and to be honest, i dont know what i was doing with Ross, i guess i was stuck in the moment                                                                                                                                                               "I wasn't going to kiss him Harry" i said and i was telling the truth                                                               "Good, save your lips for mine" He winked as he picked up his glass and drank his drink                     I blushed and drank my drink to                                                                                                                          

"Do you want to dance" he yelled                                                                                                                         "Sure"                                                                                                                                                                          "Good. Im just going to request a song, ill be back in 1 sec" he said                                                           "Back babe, lets go dance"  He said holding out his hand for me to hold it                                               Of corse, he had to pick a slow song, its acctaully quite cute                                                                         He kissed my hand and bowed down before he started to dance with me.                                               He pulled me close to him so there was no gap between us, our faces were so close i could feel his breath on me                                                                                                                                                     He span me around and picked me up and spun  around.                                                                            He spun me away from him and spun me back. I could feel thousands of butterflies fluttering in my tummy.                                                                                                                                                                      He pulled me close and i rested my head on his sholder                                                                             His breath was tickiling my ear                                                                                                                              "Pix, i need to tell you something" he said as he hugged me tight                                                               "tell me" i whispered in his ear                                                                                                                             "I love you"                                                                                                                                                                  Before i could say anything he softly kissed me and i kissed him back                                                     He lips were so smooth and they fitted perfectly against mine, Harry Styles loves me and i didn't know what to say, but i guess i gave him my anwser by kissing him back                                                 Our lips seperated and he smirked                                                                                                                      "What you laughing at" i smiled                                                                                                                           "You kissed me" he sounded so happy                                                                                                             "We should go, its late" he said as he took my hand and walked me out  the party                                  

He walked me to the car, it was silent  and awkward i was about to drift off.                                               As i was about to drift off, he pulled over and kissed me on the head                                                         "Good night princess, we will be home soon" and with that i fell asleep                                                                                        

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