Chapter 16- Haha whos laughing

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I shot up out of bed happier than ever, well i wasn't acctaully happy, i'm still heartbroken, but i'm going to move on, because i'm better than him.  

I put on my out fit for today, it was something that i have never dreamt of wearing                                     It was a simpsons tank top, with some skinnys, pretty simple, for some people but for me me, its wow.      I brushed my teeth for 5 minutes and ran into my room so put my makeup on.                                         I put on eyeliner, mascara and black eye shadow.. it looks really cool! I never thought i'd think that             I strightened my hair so everyone will notice my new layers and colours! I love how i look.. sounds vain but i feel comfortable with it                                                                                                           

"Ok Pix, you can do this.. new you.. don't show Ariana that her and Harry got the best of you, just keep your head held high and.. don't cry when you see Harry. ok i got this" i took ten breathes and ran downstairs

"You look amazing, now go and show Harry what your really made of" she encouraged                              I smiled and walked out the door slowly, ok ok ok i got this Pix calm yourself                                           "What are you doing Pixie, walk! take a step! how else do you want to go school" if anyone heard me talking to myself they would think im crazy                                                                                            I took a step and picked up my speed, ok i think i am confident enough to say what i need to say, i can do this, i have to and i will, its the best way to get through everything that i am going through                      

I walked round the cornor and i saw Harry, Ariana, Ross, Louis, Niall, Zayn and Liam standing there laughing, well everyone was.. apart from Harry, he looked tired, like he hasn't slept for weeks, his face expression is sad, normally he doesn't get sad, he just gets angry.. well in puplic anyone

"Ok i got this" i said in a breath and walked in                                                                                    Everyones eyes laid on me.. literally everyone.. students i don't know.. students i've heard of.. and students i know and teachers.. it was so awkward..   I walked towards the big group and smiled.. No one smiled back.. there jaw was still dropped.. All the boys looked happy but then there was Ariana who looked like she was about to kill me..                                                                                         "Hello?" that was a question, not a statement                                                  

"P-pixie you look different" Louis said.. "I-in a g-good way.. you look se-" Louis stuttered                      Was he about to call me sexy.. wow                                                                                                Harrys jaw was still dropped still staring at me.. he probably thinks that i haven't noticed him                

"Like what you see... shame its not yours" i whispered to Harry as i walked past him to see Ross         "Hey" Ross said with a huge smile.. his smile was nice.. but it was nothing compared to Harrys            "Heyy are you sure its ok that im aloud to come yours after school" i said making sure Harry heard      "y-yes thats fine" he stuttered nervously                                                                                             "Good, i can't wait" i winked at him and walked away giving Harry a perfect veiw of me arse! 

Harrys POV:

"Did she just wink at you" Zayn asked confused                                                                                 Ross took a big gulp but finally replied. "Yep" he looked shocked but he liked it aswell.. he likes the fact that Pixie winked at him, she shouldn't do that              

I'm so angry with myself.. i don't understand.. does she think i cheated on her? I bet she does.. what over impression would she get from me sitting on Arianas bed..                                                           I only went to Arianas because i was going to get her to be nice to Pixie.. me and Ariana are nothing.. i knew that Pix was sad that Ariana was being a bitch to her so i was willing to pay Ariana mega money so she can make Pix happy but then she walked in and get the wrong idea.. ive tried to tell her but she ignores me. Thinking about what i have lost makes me more mad  

She looked so fucking sexy! Her new look is amazing! I really want to kiss her! But i can't.. and now her and Ross are getting it on.. i HAVE to get her back.. i her.. i miss her

"Harry haven't you told her yet?" Zayn asked                                                                                      "I have.. i sent her texts and i called her but she wouldn't answer.. and whenever i try to speak in person she walks away and ignores me"                                                                                            "Oh well that blows.. that means your single for prom" Louis says                                                      "No no i'm not going to loose another a person in my life.. i will go with Pixie.. i will get her back" 

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